
"U Got the Hook Shot"

You've posted a variation of this theme quite a bit on this post, and I find it interesting that, as a consumer, you're taking so personally an article that primarily chastises the companies producing these products.

This is the best argument so far. You can be 100% annoyed with the way they're peddling their message, but if you say "I'm not gonna buy this because the message is exploitive!" and *then* go shop at Target or Walmart or the like, you've chosen to support an infrastructure that actually hurts women like these. We're

Same way the Victorians could revel in the lascivious aspects of the "white slave trade" while piously raising money to end it.

I think that is very much the case. There's also an element of "brown strangers are stealing your daughters!" in the materials I've seen from Christian-led groups.

I would like to know that as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the costs of US operations for this company eat up most of the revenue before it can be given to the people they are "helping".

It's so fucking condescending. It's more about patting oneself on the back than it is about creating real change. In a way, these little tokens of our own fuzzy feelings prevent further thinking or action on the problem.

How does the money get to these women? What are the working conditions? How much are they paid per item? How do we know they're even making the items in question? I applaud anyone who is trying to help people but making them sew pajamas isn't the answer.

Eh, I bought my mom some. They're pretty and lightweight so when she gets hot flashes they're not unbearable. I'm not over here fooling myself into thinking I've solved slavery but let's be real, probably 90% of what most people buy was made by people who are working in horrifying conditions and I don't know a single

I have long wondered if the evangelical anti-trafficking thing is so focused on sex trafficking because of evangelical hangups about sex. It is REALLY a thing, including among more "progressive" evangelicals, and the sex aspect seems to really grab them.

They couldn't even get the area correct. Sigh...

It's a total White Savior thing, with added profit!

I think this is a really great article. I am also suspect of "rescue brands" for the reasons you outlined.

You nailed it. I hate these types of ploys and gimmicks. I never see how buying a pair of pajamas or a bracelet or something supposedly created by disadvantaged women in third world countries help them. I would much rather give the money directly to charities that support them so they can have whatever the item is

Frozen Thin Mints!!!!! Soooo good!

I'd switch #2 and #3 but yeah, you nailed it. Anyone who says Thin Mints should not be #1 is wrong and should be banned from commenting and Girl Scout Cookies.

Thin Mints are gross.