I recently watched the entirety of The Leftovers and fell into a deep love of the show by the series finale. But my word is it a difficult show to pitch to friends.
I recently watched the entirety of The Leftovers and fell into a deep love of the show by the series finale. But my word is it a difficult show to pitch to friends.
The first half of the Lobster is one of my favourite movies of all time. If the entire movie had only kept the kind of bleak and surreal black comedy that the first half had.
Season 6 had the always amazing Keith David. But otherwise…yeah…it was never as bad as season 4 but it lost too much with so many cast members gone.
It was a reference to the first 80's comic issue of Suicide Squad where slipknot gets his arm blown off for similar stupidity. Plus it highlights the fact that the bombs are both real and fatal.
Just pick a bad sorkin character. I personally like to randomly yell "Well that's great Tom! But right now, your little brother is STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF AFGHANISTAN!!!" at people.
How about another retrospective on how Studio 60 was the greatest well made trash television in recent memory?
On the advice of countless av club people, I recently watched all of The Leftovers. Among the many many brilliant performances, the actor I most enjoyed with his brief appearances was the great character actor Bill Camp. Ever since then, I've been eagerly looking forward to anything Bill Camp does. Apparently he's in…
I also deeply love Pushing Daises, but that's probably a much harder show to even consider reviving. With Hannibal, the characters are already well known, the future direction of the story is sort of fleshed out already and you have Mads Mikkelsen who was already a huge star in his home country and is now increasingly…
Not only do they still have cardboard boxes but the prequel game had Snake's ancestor form a bizarre and almost sexual love of boxes the first time he uses one.
In the middle east, we don't hunt FOXES we hunt JACKALS! Instead of FOXHOUNDS, we use ROYAL HARRIERS! Snake! Are you just going to stand there and watch him DIE!!!??
They played us like a damn FIDDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
In Australia, this episode happened to air on my actual birthday. So it was a lovely birthday present to share the gift James recieved of a young british man telling a story about a rubber glove gifted by a giant from another dimension.
Looks like a great movie! Or at the very least, so gleefully absurd and wonderfully cast that it'll be worth seeing. But I'm a gigantic fan of how wonderfully rewatchable "The Thick Of It" is. Plus I only recently watched Alan Partridge for the first time so I'm kind of high on Armando Iannucci's style of comedy.
And Jessica Lange is a killer robot driving instructor who travels back in time for some reason. And her best friend is a talking pie.
Hey you're right! Cisco totally is Marco!
Lights out had it's problems, but it was competently made and, like you said, the main child actor was pretty much rock solid in terms of natural acting.
The memes we share will always live on…in our hearts!!! (Of cock)
If the Will Ferrel comedy movie The Campaign taught me anything, it's that the Koch brothers are just lovable boofoons played by Dan Aykroyd and John Lithgow who spend their time and money trying to get sissy congressmen like Zack Galifanakis elected.
Who cares though? Wonder Woman's political message roughly amounts to something like "war is awful and everyone should stop being terrible" and Dunkirk is probably one of the most wonderfully politically indifferent war movies ever made throughout time itself. Brett Ratner is an awful movie maker and James Packer is…
I've been lurking on the AV club for nearly a decade now but only recently joined the commenting system. I've found disqus to be pretty efficient and pleasant. I never had an old AV club account, so maybe those were way better, but disqus is simple and easy. Everything looks neat and easy to read. Logging in is…