You sound increasingly like a pod person. "Remain calm. Everything is fine. Nothing can be done to stop us. Soon you will be intergrated. Your old life of commenting will be but a distant memory. Don't bother struggling. Simply submit"
You sound increasingly like a pod person. "Remain calm. Everything is fine. Nothing can be done to stop us. Soon you will be intergrated. Your old life of commenting will be but a distant memory. Don't bother struggling. Simply submit"
I could sort of envision everything converging at twin peaks and…I have no idea really. It feels like everyone is so very far away from each other and there's so little time…
Jump to the final brilliant episode! Or alternatively drag yourself through the awful dozen episodes and come to loathe each and every character and then watch the final episode! Either way, the season 2 finale is a masterpiece.
I said this way back before the season begun, but I still feel this way. Namely that I really hope that this season has an ending. I don't need it to wrap up every plot point across the entire series. But I really really want some kind of closure. I've been fairly happy with the new season, but my patience will…
I certainly agree that mentioning the CW shows would have made a lot more sense in context. I think that maybe the article was maybe mostly trying to be about Marvel tv but haphazardly tried to steer things into a discussion of the movies. On the movie front there's no real question of who's winning. Marvel is kicking…
Plus Morrison had the wonderful idea that counter-cultural young people would find the idea of being a mutant actually COOL! Like, "Yeah I have seven eyeballs on my face! Deal with it losers!"
I think the point of mentioning Wonder Woman was to illustrate an argument that Marvel have gone from being utterly bullet proof to essentially bullet proof but capable of a misstep here and there. But in particular regards to their TV division being unable to admit fault to something we know is terrible (Iron Fist)…
I agree wholehearted that Legion had elements of brilliant comedy. I was often laughing at how wonderfully surreal Jermaine Clement was and Aubrey Plaza was an utter delight whenever she was on screen. Bill Irwin also had some wonderfully surreal comedy and I was actually surprised at how funny Dan Stevens was.
Aside from maybe Kathy Bates and Zach Woods (who have both done far better work elsewhere) season 6 is largely a total mess. Every character becomes a total idiot and everything just grinds on endlessly.
For me, without Laura Dern in it, Inland Empire would feel a lot like Lost Highway. Now Lost Highway is an inventive movie with some incredible scenes, but for me it lacks any kind of emotional anchor. I never cared what was going on in Lost Highway. We all care deeply about what happened in Mulholland Drive because…
I know showtime as a network gets a lot of well deserved hatred, but my hat is truly off to them for backing a 90's revivial of a low rated tv show that's so blatantly unmarketable. I'm guessing when the network brass gave the green light, they were probably expecting a jolly return to a cult tv show with Dale Cooper…
I know a lot of us want Cooper to come bounding back in to have fun again (and I certainly still do) but Kyle Maclachlan's performance is really so beautifully subtle. Those two images in the review of Dougie and evil Cooper are still so striking. Yes, there's some subtle make up on evil Cooper, but so much of it is…
Yo where Wallace at? Where Wallace at??!!!!!
Except for The Shining! Which King probably partly hates because it's more famous and beloved than his book.
Season 5 ended pretty well. It got fairly silly but the leads were all great in the final season and having a permanently low rated show actually conclude was a miracle in and of itself.
Fringe was a pretty well written show that was elevated to brilliant status because the three leads were so damn incredible. John Noble alone could have carried that show by himself but he was well backed by Torv (who became remarkable as the show went on), Jackson and likes of Reddick and Blair and those countless…
I hold out hope that one day Babe: Pig in the city gets the cinematic rerelease it so richly deserves. The trailers could proudly scream that the movie is "From Mastermind George Miller!!!"
DC has done realtively well with Gal Gadot now. Granted she isn't solid gold like RDJ and no where near as great an actor as him, but at least now DC has one really well cast and well written hero. Now all they need to do is cast about a dozen more quality actor/character matches and they'll be close to topping…
Now she hangs in a post-apocalypse afterlife and gets to date God (who's possibly an Australian Bill Camp)