Mr Smith1466

This is how it ends for us all. Confusion, grief, anger, waiting, impatience and grimy spongebob square pants episodes condensed into gif form. My grandfather described near identical symptoms before he passed away last year. Which was odd, because he'd never heard of Spongebob before his imminent demise.

Much like George RR Martin, the AV club delights in toying with it's prey before finally plunging the knife of kinja into the still beating heart!!! (I'll dearly miss the old website)

Much like George RR Martin, the AV club delights in toying with it's prey before finally plunging the knife of kinja into the still beating heart!!! (I'll dearly miss the old website)

Have you ever seen the comment section on gizmondo or kotaku? That's kinja. Say goodbye to your disqus account, the upvotes, the layout, the nested replies and the general look of the thing.

I for one will miss the delightful gimmick accounts. For a time the reviews of Gotham were loading with hilarious conversations from The Riddler and Anti-Monitor and countless other DC villains. I don't think Kinja allows fun like that happen…

Don't. Praise. The Natureslayer!

I'm really going to miss the lively discussions when this season inevitably follows the standard AHS model of debuting strong, rapidly spiraling into nonsense (either the fun or tedious kind) and then limping to a finale that either manages to elevate the proceeding nonsense (asylum, 6 and arguably freak show) or

I'm probably in the minority here, but I find season 2 to be a great guilty pleasure season. The plot is a total car crash of nonsense and endless double crosses. The cast was stacked with actors ranging from William Hurt to half the supporting cast of The Wire. The whole season is bonkers but I found it a lot fun. My

It was one of the av club reviews that pinpointed the appeal of Tom Noonan's Damages character as being partly down to his "weirdly hesitant line readings". And the reviewer was totally right! Something about the combination of a show like Damages with Tom Noonan and some weirdly hesitant line readings really made

It was the second season that had the ludicrous opening titles. In a full episode it was something crazy like "With Marcia Gay Harden And Ted Danson And Timothy Olyphant And William Hurt"

Damages is either a highly underrated show or it was a pretty good show that often pinged from being brilliant to oddly painful. Either way, the show introduced me to the wonderful character actor Zeljko Ivanek, so I'll always be grateful. Plus the season with John Goodman as the bad guy was pretty awesome. Few actors

The real tragedy is that by this time next week, websites like Breitbart will have better commenting systems then the AV club. Now I've just made myself so depressed I think I'm going to cry.

Oh Mr. Pryce…I hope in heaven you get all the Godzilla movies, texas stakes and disqus commenting websites you so richly deserve.

And they sprung this Kinja transition without A SINGLE WARNING!!!

Audrey has kind of progressed. She had a child and appears to married. Granted her life is hell but it's still progression. Laura can't progress because she's dead. Sarah has progressed further into hell. Norma has a chain of diners. Bobby and Shelly got married and had a child. Big Ed wouldn't want to change too much

It's going to be incredibly gutting if the kinja attack happens before the finale. So so so many rich conversations will never happen.

It's really coming together beautifully isn't it? My body is ready for the three hours of content we have left ahead of us.

Harry Dean Stanton was in The Avengers! Everyone saw that, thus everyone needs to know who Harry Dean Stanton is!

Now more than ever do we need the hilarious bitterness of Larry David! Roll on good sir! Roll on and bring joy to all who hate pig parkers and respect wood!

The wonderful thing about this (and frankly the only silver lining to this awful week) is that it's getting harder and harder for the majorityof Trump supporters to justify this lunacy. Oh sure, the neo-nazis and crazy people will cling on for far longer, but surely the every day MAGA lover can't excuse the topsy