"Wubba lubba dub dub!!! That-that's my new catchphrase! Wubba lubba dub dub!"
"Wubba lubba dub dub!!! That-that's my new catchphrase! Wubba lubba dub dub!"
Those 1998 people are the unlucky ones! They're…uh…uh…well they just missed out the beginning of peak television. Yeah…we may have Donald Trump but they uh…um…
The Absence is even worse considering that Professor Pyg was such a big part in the preceeding issues. Ah Professor Pyg…so surreal, hilarious and unsettling when written by Morrison but so bland otherwise.
Apparently the actor playing Philip Gerard was originally just meant to be a brief non-speaking cameo (as a reference to The Fugitive). It was apparently a dream David Lynch had of the actor doing the "Fire. Walk with me" poem that gave the actor a greater role. Presumably the actor's elegant way of speaking and…
Hell yeah!
I'll hand it to new Twin Peaks, I don't think literally anyone could have predicted the Twin Peaks revival would play out this way. 6 episodes left and after 12 episodes we've accomplished…I don't know…but I deeply respect Lynch for still managing that, for better and worse, this feels like nothing else on television.
I think the hype was a combination of fatigue with the Dougie storyline, hope that his "Damn fine" line last episode signalled progress and the "Let's rock" tagline.
Lynch has always open about loving the world of twin peaks and being desperate to return. So, yeah, he most likely did love every second of making this season. And good for him because at this stage in his career, the man deserves to make whatever story he wishes and I'm happy to see it play out.
The worst/most hilarious part of that awful character was that she got debuted literally just after Grant Morrison wrapped up Act 2 of the most epic Batman run ever (if I remember correctly, Batman had just returned from time traveling with a new energy for life and had just teamed up with Dick, Damian and Joker to…
"DC Rebirth makes (kite man) a divorced alcoholic who tries to kill himself after the Riddler poisons his son. Good grief!"
But Matthew Broderick is waiting by the phone every day! Poor Sarah Jessica Parker must be so fed up by now.
"Everything Zack Snyder did was terrible! Literally everything! Not like that amazing Wonder Woman movie!"
"Jean Dujardin! He's SO hot right now!"
Andy Serkis pissed off the actors in the Academy by proclaiming his motion capture stuff as serious acting and also pissed off the technical Academy members by downplaying the immense work that the CGI people do to turn Serkis into a monkey. So basically, no Academy voter overly likes Andy Serkis.
Manimal is probably one of those people who needs to be the lone crazy fan of something that everyone hates. He's probably been AWOL because he can't be the lone crazy fan of a universally enjoyed movie like Wonder Woman. I'm sure he'll surface again, probably around the time everyone sharpens their knives for Justice…
Did you know that Captain America Winter Soldier got an attempted Oscar push? It's pretty common for studios to mount often vain attempts for superhero movies. The wonder woman oscar push gets way more attention because the rabid fans can rant about how it's the bestest movie ever made and then the haters can snark…
They can push both. Wonder woman is the flashy, joyful crowd pleaser and Dunkirk is the gripping brutal war movie. I can imagine a backlash for Dunkirk forming before long though. Nolan really does deserve awards recognition.
The best part was that Thewlis kept his British moustache. I honeslty thought he'd change form or at least show he can morph his face. But no, he kept the moustache and oh look! An ancient flashback shows he always had the moustache even when Zeus was alive.
The Artist is probably even more lightweight then we remember.