Mr Smith1466

As brilliant as Logan was, a lot of what really resonates with that movie is connected to audiences knowing and loving Wolverine. If you showed Logan to an 80 year old Academy voter, and they knew nothing about the franchise, they MAY go "Hugh Jackman is really great!" but even then, the actor categories are always

The manchurian remake is pretty good on the whole! Much better than a remake of a classic film normally would be. Denzel Washinton is typically amazing.

I admire John McCain basically walking in and dropping a microphone. I hear a lot of this is revenge against Trump. Hilarious that Trump was trying to tout McCain as a "war hero" when he thought it might go his way.

What if the plot twist is that Steven Soderbergh is the one who never really existed for the last 30 years and Rebecca Blunt was the real filmmaker all this time. And then it turns out that even though we thought Soderbergh's career was in the early 21st century, it was actually the distant post-apocalypse future. And

It would be amazing if Soderbergh had somehow found the time during the mid 00's to pointlessly and ridiculously pump out awful parody movies. I genuinely do hope he actually did.

Jesse James is such a criminally underrated movie. Brutally, deliberately slow but such a brilliantly made movie.

I know the deliberately anti-climatic ending is the whole point, but it still really irritates me to the point that I've held off rewatching "No Country for Old Men". And I KNOW that the anti-climax is the whole point but it still just…it really sucks.

"I just want to get away from these…people" *long pause followed by a creepy laugh*

The movie truly has layers.

Can't they all just hold hands and bask in their incredibly different qualities while all agreeing that they're masterpieces?

"I told you I would get you Eli! I'm older than you and stronger than you and I'm going to EAT YOU UP!!!! I AM THE THIRD REVELATION!!!"

It's a such a masterfully shot scene. Holding in tight while Eli repeatedly slaps Daniel. The angry desperation of "Give me the blood Eli! Give me the blood!" I deeply love the haunting wide shot where Daniel whispers SOMETHING to Eli (presumably something along the lines of "I'm going to fucking kill you for this")

That's pretty much exactly my plan! I figure holding off a tiny bit longer on Stranger Things means my wait for season 2 will be much less as well. I know the very broad plot of stranger things (people love Barb I think?) but I've held off knowing anything specific.

I'll probably end up seeing Dark Tower. I know literally nothing about the franchise, but a movie starring Idris Elba as some of time/reality traveling cowboy who fights satan certainly sounds like a decent way to spend a couple of hours.

Admittedly I'm a virgin to the world of It, but these trailers make me ridiculously hyped. Looks like the young cast will be amazing and it's refreshing to have a supposedly very brutal horror movie. The trailers are doing an amazing job to keep the actual big scenes limited to brief glimpses and getting so much

But the movie showed that anyone can turn a boring old home bowling alley into a delightful climatic murder setting. I'm shocked that there wasn't a surge in homes with bowling alleys after this movie…

"I hear Malcolm made him in a lab out of bits of old serial killers"

There will be blood is such a great a movie that it's actually really hard to pick out what's THE stand out scene. Personally I think the baptism is the greatest scene PTA has ever made (particularly Daniel's animal like shake when he's doused with water. As well as his creepy silent moment with Eli) but then the

It also didn't help that his character was stuck in the amazingly boring Josie/Catherine storyline. Now there's a plotline that rapidly became both incredibly convoluted and deeply pointless.

I had no idea he voiced The Lobe in Freakazoid. I haven't seen that show since I was a child but I remember The Lobe. That youtube clip alone in the article makes the clear case that sometimes all you need David Warner to do is sing a song.