Mr Smith1466

Of all the sins that season 2 of Twin Peaks committed, the criminal wasting of David Warner was probably one of the worst. Mainly because his character is irrelevant and utterly forgettable. You simply do not do that to the legendary David Warner. Imagine how great Warner could have been as Windom Earle! I mean, it

I really want this story to be true. By all accounts Richard Donner is cool enough to actually do that kind of thing.

I recently read the Grant Morrison JLA run and one of the funniest parts was when you can tell the writer's total annoyance at being formed to deal with electric blue Superman.

That strange other person in the theater is just a friend you haven't met yet!

Heigl's brain never explained to her that money can be exchanged for goods and services.

Personally, I've always loved that the Mad Max Fury Road trailer proudly flauntled the phrase "From Mastermind George Miller". Because frankly if any director deserved a bullshit title for a movie, it was a genuine genius making a movie of pure raw passion like what George Miller did.

I'll defend DC as much as possible, but it's pretty apparent they didn't have a whole lot to show or announce this year. A bunch of vague logos with no directors doesn't really mean anything. Even calling the deeply troubled Flash movie "Flashpoint" is merely to generate piles of click bait comic book articles, when

So the game is already becoming fun! Even if the movie is utterly awful, we can still all have fun piecing through the wreckage to figure out what terrible lines are Snyder or Wheedon (Wheedon is capable of some awful lines himself on occasion).

Fair enough. I don't overly like the action in winter solider (so sue me) but I can apply your logic to a movie like Kohn Wick and I completely understand you.

I'm cautiously optomistic for Grant Morrison's new Arkham Asylum project. It'll have Chris Burnham on art and it's set in the grim Damian as Batman time period. Hopefully it's the kind of thing that opens the door for more Dick and Damian adventures.

The DCEU universe is inconsistent, but I'd argue the marketing for justice league is relatively consistent. A year ago, the first trailer promised us dark superhero action with a bit more levity then the superman movies, and this trailer and the one before have shown more of that. And what do people have against slow

Half the entertainment of this movie is going to be trying to guess which parts were written and directed by Joss Wheedon. From the trailer, I'm guessing the rooftop scene at the end was Wheedon. It had a quick, reshoot look and Ezra Miller had a charming twinkle.

Probably Jason Todd. Jason Todd's entire purpose in any continuity is to end up getting murdered by Joker.

One of the legendary "what could have been". Grant Morrison once openly said he would have been delighted to write Dick and Damian for years and years, but was quickly ushered along by DC wanting Bruce back ASAP. The new 52 reboot colliding with the final act of his run was also hugely annoying.

It would never work, but if the movies got to the goofy, joyful fun of the Grant Morrison Batman and Robin, then that would be the greatest thing ever.

Out of interest, why are you so keen for this to be true? Of all the elements in BvS, Ben Affleck came out pretty well. He's not the greatest actor in the world, but he's generally pretty good now and Batman is hardly a Shakespeare level character to play.

I really liked Tom King's run before now, but issue 27 has made it clear that the masterplan of his run is to permanently redeem and elevate kite man to greatness.

He seems pretty gone at this point. Granted some of that was the tragic suicide of his daughter, but even before then they were gently nudging him out the door.

Well regardless, I do hope you still watch and enjoy Legion. It has far far more to offer than any plot point that can be inadvertently spoiled in an article. Aubrey Plaza's performance alone is astonishing.

What exactly is the major spoiler to you in this article? That a new actor is playing the shadow king? That Aubrey Plaza played the role last season? Because if it's the former, we have no idea how this will actually work. If it's the latter then, yeah the show heavily telegraphs Aubrey Plaza being sinister as early