Well, respectfully, if you're upset about a fairly mild plot spoiler, maybe avoid all future articles related to Legion and other shows you haven't finished watching yet.
Well, respectfully, if you're upset about a fairly mild plot spoiler, maybe avoid all future articles related to Legion and other shows you haven't finished watching yet.
Then don't click articles about a show you haven't finished watching. I'm stupidly behind on watching stranger things, so while I know the broad points, I deliberately avoid any article on any site about new Stranger Things news to avoid massive spoilers.
If you haven't finished watching Legion, or you were invested enough to not want to be spoiled about Legion, why did you click an article about Legion? It finished 4 months ago and it runs for under 8 hours. I'd agree with you if the headline itself was a spoiler, but if you click an article like this then the…
Thanks for clicking on an article explicitly saying in the headline that a new actor is being cast as a villain in Legion.
It's an 8 episode show, the season finished back in April, you clicked on an article about the second season, you're the one at fault here.
You have the leave something for the sequel! Also because it would look of silly on the big screen.
"Captain Bane! You can't fly this way over the battle of Dunkirk! I'm the Sergent here!"
Margin call is a brilliant film and while every actor is amazing in it, Jeremy Irons in particular is phenomenal.
And then Burn After Reading's Tilda Swinton is the great great grandmother of the Tilda Swinton from Snowpiercer. Every cinematic Tilda Swinton is a descendant of the Tilda Swinton Ancient One.
I got a group of friends to come and see Burn after Reading when it came out, and one very dear friend just could not wrap his head around the movie. His actual word for word thoughts after seeing it were literally a confused "Yeah, but…who won?"
Trump's entire mindset of doing awful things and then being shocked that the planet doesn't bow to his wishes is terrifyingly close to Brad Pitt's childlike reaction of "Huh, I am very surprised that he did not give us that reward."
I always lose it when they briefly reveal that Tilda Swinton is a children's doctor at the end. She's such a wonderfully cold and awful person the whole movie, that it's just beautifully absurd that she's a children's doctor! She even has a colourful office and wears a cartoon character on her doctor lab coat.
JK Simmons always steals the show in everything, but he's on a totally perfect level with his brief role in this movie.
The muppets movie had Amy Adams, therefore, it's impossible for it to have been all bad. (I never saw the sequel. Ricky Gervais? Ugh, no thank you)
Man, revealing that Chris Cooper was really Kermit would have been totally bark raving insane. I kind of wish it had happened, just to see how crazy the fallout would be. It certainly would explain why Chris Cooper looks lost and slightly confused the entire movie.
"I stumbled across this…and….I remember actually thinking it was really funny. Then I completely forgot it existed"
"You know, I remember having a very long chat with a lovely man with some crazy ideas once. His name was JIM HENSON!!! That's right idiots! I knew Jim Henson! Now shut up and get me more alcohol for this scene where Kermit plays a banjo!"
What could be creepy about a grown man devoting his life to sticking his hand up the rear end up of a stuffed puppet frog?
Was Rizzo the rat a 90's muppet? Rizzo was always fun. At least, I remember him always being pretty central in the 90's movies.
ABC executive: "Why, there are no Muppet fans watching this sitcom at all! Are we so out of touch that we don't know how to make a Muppets show in the 21st century that fans will love? No…it's the fans who are wrong…"