Mr Smith1466

At least the show openly calls out Bojack for his constant self destruction. Tv logic means he needs to keep making mistakes but at least it means the rest of the characters are aware of it.

I guess this still is a tv show. Part 8 was a beautifully surreal, hallucination heavy hour of incredible beauty. But I guess this episode reminds us that, yeah, this is a tv show. I suppose more normal, "catching the audience up" episodes are needed here and there.

It was a bit sad to hear that TJ Miller won't be back in season 5, but I think it would have been more gutting if Zach Woods had left. Yes, he always plays pretty much the exact same character but silicon valley makes by far the absolute best use of him as an actor (in the loop is second place).

Maybe the explanation for TJ Miller's future absence could simply be that Jared travelled to Tibet between seasons and murdered again.

Is this a sign that fellow commentors should start cracking open each other's heads and feasting on the goo inside?

I've never liked Michael Rooker very much but he definitely stole the show in GOTG2. I agree with you about Merle. But then I think pretty much every character TWD is boring and one note…

But but but…they got a whole bunch of famous actors! They got them all to agree to play vague monster roles. And they even made a Dark Universe logo! What more can they possibly do??? Why can't you just give in and obey the will of the Universal Dark Universe!!???

It's annoying as well that Colin Farrell (an actor who's delightfully shown through movies like In Bruges or The Lobster that he's up for ANYTHING) was stuck with such a nothing role. Literally nothing was known about his character, other than that he's a scowly wizard who's secretly Johnny Depp. We have no idea if,

I will say this though, Redmayne certainly gave a good performance as Stephen Hawking. Arguably even a very good one.

Shadow of mordor takes a fair while to get really good in my opinion. But by the final chunk (around the time you level up and become uber powerful) it becomes incredibly brilliant. But let's just say the ending…well…it's good a sequel comes out soon…

I keep wishing we were living in the timeline where Del Toro directed the Hobbit movies. I don't know if they would have been better or shorter, but I think having a different director would have been nice from a visual approach. Having Peter Jackson go through the motions with those Hobbit movies made them feel even

Semi-related note, the new Shadow of War looks bark raving insane and I cannot wait to play it. Tolkein is probably rolling in his grave and his heirs probably despise it, but I think the world needs a nutty LOTR game now more than ever.

Outside of his brief role in Hannibal, I never used to know or care who Dan Fogler was, but damn if he didn't steal the entire first Fantastic Beasts movie. Delighted to hear that he's coming back in the sequel. I can still hold out hope that maybe by the third movie they pivot the movie away from Redmayne and make it

He stole an Academy Award from Michael Keaton! As far as I'm concerned, this makes Eddie Redmayne history's greatest monster!

Yet a deadwood revival is just sitting there. JUST SITTING THERE!!!

By all accounts, he's also a fairly egotistical control freak. If he didn't feel capable of doing season 2, then maybe he should have been more open to collaborations.

Everything about True Detective season 2 is designed to drain Colin Farrell of any of his natural charms. It's the same logic as "let's cast Vince Vaughn as a boring criminal with vague motivations". Vince Vaughn can barely do comedy, and certainly not drama, let alone the type of drama he was stuck with.

They kind of needed the framing device in the early episodes to establish who Joan and Bette were. I certainly enjoyed one of the early bits where Kathy Bates explained Joan's career up the point the show started. It also helped to establish that Oliva existed so then it doesn't feel like she just materialized out of

I kind of admire that this is pretty radically different from the original film but it just seems kind of…I don't know…don't people go to see movies with The Rock so he can be witty and charming and confident? Making him the star, but giving him the mind of a dork teenager seems to kind of miss the point of him. Oh

I'm one of those rare people who both has relatives over 50 and have them not spread minions memes. It helps that the majority of them barely know how to work a computer.