Mr Smith1466

I'm guessing it's partly that classic "I wanted to make something my kids could watch!" Also he probably thought it would be fun to play a goofy 80's villain. Also he may have enjoyed getting to goof around in a recording booth and not stress about needing to air a south park episode in 12 hours. Also money. They

If there was, it was pretty mercifully forgettable. That happy song was pounded into total oblivion.

I always see Laika movies as being for hip adults and some kids. They certainly don't make straight up kids movies. The closest would be the boxtrolls, and even that one is pretty dark.

I always enjoy the minions. They're pretty over exposed but I always find their broken english gibbering amusing. Granted I don't have kids, so I'm exposed to them once every couple of years.

He's perfectly fine. It's kind of bizarre that he'd agree to do this movie though. The only three possibilities are that he wanted to do something fun, wanted a change of pace or wanted to make something his kid could watch.

The lego batman movie because sometimes it's fun to just laugh and enjoy a family movie that's got a lot of heart and zany cameos.

If Veep does a Bojack Horseman flashback episode, it gets triple bonus points if it features period music with lyrics like "rocking it out in 2007, the year that it currently is!"

A lot of her increased hatred for Catherine is no doubt a combination of Selina's life being in the toilet and disdain for Catherine's sexuality (maybe even anger that Catherine appears to be a healthy, fairly stable relationship as well?). But the bigger problem is the show not retconning her hatred as far back as

Last week it was pointed out to me that all the British writers left at the end of season 5. So season 6 isn't just the second season without Armando Iannucci, it's the first without any of the writing crew from the Thick of It. Hence the degradation in comedy quality.

Who knows what lays between now and when the show becomes non-profitable?

The best part about windom earle was when he was killed off in the most abrupt, hilarious and off-handed way possible. It's even better to read the original finale script where Windom gets pages upon pages of dialogue. All material that Lynch rightly threw in the trash in favor of his head being set on fire.

I went along with a lot of the stupid plotting in season 5, but the Tibet deal somehow being magically chalked up to Montez was really bizarre. I know the media are stupid and the entire world of Veep is loopy, but do people honestly believe that Montez somehow went from being a faceless running mate to conjuring a

I recently finished my rewatch slog of season 2 of Twin Peaks and one new thing that struck me as how the show really desperately tried to make the mythology as utterly bland and boring as possible. Surreal red room sequences are almost bludgeoned to death by Windom Earle rambling endlessly about pure good and pure

This season has made some incredibly bizarre story choices, but perhaps none so bizarre as seemingly setting up Russ in a big way in the premier, have his actor be promoted to starring cast member and then having Russ be almost completely AWOL all season. Did they maybe have plans when they promoted him but then

As a Batman reader, I still honestly don't understand why I'm constantly supposed to care about Lark. He keeps getting jammed in there, month after month. He's clearly only there because he's Snyder's pet and damnnit Snyder wants to leave a lasting legacy! Cutting off Joker's face, cutting off Alfred's hand,

I never used to feel more than indifference to Dick Grayson, but then Grant Morrison turned him into a lovable Batman who beat up pig men with a ninja Robin and suddenly the character made perfect sense. Turning Dick into a James Bond secret agent was also brilliant.

More like world war zzzzzzzzz amirite? Right!!!???

They gave us a fun wonder woman movie! What more do you want? A fun superman movie? A non-killer batman? A coherent justice league movie? A suicide squad movie that doesn't needless objectify Harley? Well now you're just being silly…

But but but BUMBLEBEE MOVIE!!! (Directed, for some reason, by the man who made Kubo)

One of the many things I loved about her Wonder Woman is that she's never overtly sexualized in that role. I mean, damn, she's beautiful, but even Zack Snyder never objectified her.