Mr Smith1466

Anthony Hopkins will just glide over to whatever the next big budget movie is that will pay him money. He's had a pretty decent hit rate in his career though. The thor movies were just paychecks, but he lucked out they ended being entertaining. He stayed with Hannibal longer than he should have, but they must have

Rush is fun. It's little more than just fun, but it's certainly fun.

Disney is the only studio that let's Ron Howard go fishing with dynamite.

It's already becoming clear from Disney's press releases that Lord/Miller are going to be shoved under the bus as subtly and as often as possible.

I don't know if Lord/Miller would have done a GOOD job making a star wars film, but they certainly would have been interesting. Considering how bland and depressing Rogue One was (and how inevitably depressing Last Jedi will be), a jolly Han Solo comedy film from the makers of Lego movie and 21 Jump Street would have

Injustice 2 is probably the ideal mix of casual fun and more complexity. Want to play on easy mode and mash buttons? Fine, do that. All the characters have cool combo modes and they helpfully made the crazy super moves avaliable with the simple press of two buttons. Want to go deeper? Up the difficulty and start

After the han solo movie insanity, I simply can't trust any big budget movie anymore. How do we know Matt Reeves will still be there when the movie ones out??? Nothing can be trusted anymore! Those "creative differences" could anyone whenever we least expect it.

I certainly agree about the rebirth plot being a shameless cash in. I'm waiting to really see it play out before forming an opinion but the whole idea of it is right in the middle of being pointless and outright cruel.

"I was noticing that DC seems to have based one of its latest crossovers [Blackest Night] in Green Lantern based on a couple of eight-page stories that I did 25 or 30 years ago. I would have thought that would seem kind of desperate and humiliating, When I have said in interviews that it doesn’t look like the American

I was mainly alluding the revolving door of Flash movie directors as well as the long ago Wonder Woman director change. My point being, Marvel and DC have lost directors, but never DURING the shoot itself. Even Suicide Squad's bizarre editing process appears to have been given the half-hearted thumbs up by it's

I understand he has good reasons to be angry. But blaming the creators themselves of many great titles that just happen to be by the big two is fairly egotistical of him. Watchmen is a masterpiece but that title being the only graphic novel on Time's best novel list certainly hasn't helped his pride.

The change in Ozzy's scheme also makes his cat monster kind of random and pointless. I mean, it always was kind of random, but at least in the comic you can chalk up the cat to being proof that Ozzy has perfected the concept of genetically engineering basic lifeforms that don't exist.

I'm totally on Alan Moore's side when he feels he was kind of screwed over. I'm significantly less on his side when he's an arrogant jerk who feels that nothing of any remote value in comic books has ever been created without being scrapped off his supposed genius.

Yes yes yes yes yes yes….but…BUT!!! Hugo Weaving! (And John Hurt and Stephen Fry OH MY!!!).

V for Vendetta was pretty heavily transformed into a straight up action movie, but it was a highly fun action movie.

I suppose some of the casting could be a bit better. Laurie and Adrien were kind of miscast. But other than spreading things out and giving it more time to breath, there truly is no real point in this. If anything the 2009 movie was probably loyal to a fault.

If for some reason you want a beautifully drawn, totally pointless Rorschach comic, his Before Watchmen series is interesting. Aside from the Darwyn Cooke's contributions, they range from harmless and pointless all the way to outright awful (that nite owl series is one of the ugliest things I've read in a good long

I really think Rush is an underrated movie. It's a lot of fun. But Ron Howard on a nearly completed Han Solo movie? Eh…

Luckily we have the critcally acclaimed director of "The Book of Henry" to help make episode 9.

Incredibly close to the production start, but cameras never rolled under Edgar Wright. Even Warner Brothers tends to force off their directors BEFORE the movie starts to film.