Mr Smith1466

Leaving during post is always odd, but it's not unheard of. Leaving during shooting is incredibly bizarre.

Let's just be grateful that David Lynch never ended up directing Jedi. He survived Dune, but a star wars movie may have permanently destroyed his creative energy.

Let's just hope episode 9 will be an entertaining trainwreck like ""The book of henry" and not an embrassing trainwreck like "The book of henry"

It certainly lends yet another creepy subtext to BOB.

It's still kind of vague (probably intentionally so) exactly what the distiniction is between a doppelganger and a straight up possession (if indeed there is any difference).

It would be distressing to know that Audrey and Diane had been raped, but very in keeping with the show. A lot of BOB's edges had to be blunted for the original tv show, but the movie showed exactly what he is. A nightmarish sexual monster who wears people's skins to inflict death and sexual assualt. (Remember the tv

I also remember he was always pretty non-committal during production over the episode count. I think I read he was always going "it's just one massive script, being shot as a movie and we'll know the episode count once we start breaking it down in post". Part of he time/money problem was also likely because Showtime

Matt Albie slaved his fingers to the bone to make us laugh and make us think. The least we can do for his work is to continually reference his masterpieces in reviews for largely unrelated tv shows of poor quality.

The entourage movie is horrible on many levels, but Vince's stupid movie "Hyde" is probably the worst part. Not just that it looks garish and nonsensical, but that literally the entire plot of the movie pivots around Hyde supposedly being greatest materpiece ever made by man. Vince is never required to do a single

I haven't been paying attention to the writing credits this season, but it now makes perfect sense. I did notice Addison and some other names from "the thick of it" on the season 5 credits. I wonder if it was an amicable parting or if they maybe clashed with the new showrunner. Or maybe it was simply a case that

So all the British team are gone now? Well that explains it completely. David Mandel is a great creator (he did help bring us Seinfeld and Curb) but he had the former British team helping him in season 5 to keep continuity (as well as the plot having more urgency). The show lost it's rudder after Selina left office

I agree with you but I suppose that might be part of the gag that she's radically different than what we assumed. Plus according to the twin peaks wiki, one of the tie in books has Cooper describe Diane as "a combination between a saint and a caberet singer".

The new Twin Peaks revival has always been mighty entertaining but it's felt kind of tiring. This episode has really energized the whole thing now. I always had confidence in Lynch but it's great to feel like things are moving forward.

I think the absence of Armando Iannucci is being felt more heavily this season. Season 5 wasn't perfect but it was still highly entertaining. Everything is always striding ahead with the recount plot. We got that brilliant episode with Selina's mother and the running plot of Catherine's documentary was wonderful.

I'll say this for Square Enix, they were happy to give away the IP with very little bother. Even their total indiffernce to the developer was still marked by them seeing no need to interfere with their season 2 plans. They could have been far more dickish, like how they've iced the Deus Ex franchise. Or they could

It probably helps that the Agency and 47's particular services are ridiculously expensive. At that finanical level, the rich probably just want to off other rich people. They could just hire some junkie with a gun to kill a lower class target.

What really helped the episodic model was the constant updates, new challenges and those elusive targets. It helped to keep the game feeling constantly alive. Hell, they're still doing elusive targets, even with all the Square Enix stupidity they haven't stopped.

I'm cautiously optomistic about this news! Slimming down the studio and presumably having a lower budget for the second season is concerning, but I'll happily support IO in their future.

I kind of feel bad for whoever cut the trailer now. When I saw the trailer, I thought "what a lousy trailer! The tone is all over the place!" Now after this spoiler space, I can only imagine some poor person trying to wildly cut a trailer to hide all of the "twists" and still try to make the advertisement feel

Kumali Nanjiani's greatest role will always be the monotone, dead eyed, exposition Salarian alien from Mass Effect Andromeda. Truly the greatest acting role anyone could hope for. He should just retire now. It's all downhill from here.