Mr Smith1466

It made me incredibly happy to see Heidi again. It's like everyone in the show is dealing with misery on some level, but there's Heidi! Giggling and gliding through life. Working 25 years as a waitress and always with a smile on her face!

But is Bill's brother "STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF AFGHANISTAN!!!!!!!!!!!"????

Have you tried black flag? I held off for years due to AC3 hatred, but black flag is absolutely brilliant.

I felt like the franchise needed to stop dead after the awful AC3, but then we got the delightful pirate game. So I guess what I'm saying is, that pirate one was a lot of fun.

The assassin's creed franchise will never die, so long as Ubisoft can wring a single cent out of it. If a crappy movie couldn't stop it, probably nothing will.

Jump onto AC2. That one is brilliant on every level and expands the lore of the franchise in a way that was initially really cool. After that, if you're desperately in love with Ezio, maybe give Brotherhood a whirl. If, after that, you're still invested in both Ezio AND Altair, Revelations wraps up both their stories

If the black flag team has been working on this, then that's great news. But I kind of fear Black Flag was a one time, lightning in a bottle type thing. It had pirates for the first time, Matt Ryan's delightful hero, a hilarious present day storyline and it came at a key point where we were all sick and tired of

I was quite excited in the season premiere to see that Chris Diamantopoulos had promoted to starring cast member, but unless he has a massive showing in the last two episodes, there's been disappointingly little Russ this season. Kind of unusual that Jin Yang has had more story this season, but I guess aside from

On a story level, it could be pretty easy to make him happy. In man of steel and BvS, superman is partly mopey and depressed because he's shouldering the world on his own. When he inevitably gets resurrected, Batman could show him the justice league and basically go "Look! We assembled a team of superheroes to help

It's funny to think that the basic idea of that is what inspired the largely hated Seinfeld finale (that the seinfeld gang is sentanced to prison for their indifference to humanity). Kind of makes me wonder of that kind of ending would be more appreciated now then it would have been to 90's audiences expecting a warm,

Geoff Johns is a massive Richard Donner fanboy and considering Jenkins was open about her love for Donner as well, I imagine the two of them would have had similar ideas for wonder woman.

Wasn't it Geoff Johns who helped Jenkins redo the whole script? I remember he was announced as a new screenwriter a while ago but maybe couldn't be credited on the film due to WGA craziness. I'm certain Snyder helped block out the whole plot for wonder woman but given that his schedule seems to have almost entirely

Man From UNCLE is my standard defense for Henry Cavill.

Totally! She had very little to do in BvS but she projects a vibe of being mysterious but having some greater depth than what she lets on. I was sold on her when just before the doomsday fight, she pulls a slight smirk while pulling out her sword and says "I've killed things from other worlds before".

The problem is probably less to do with making it, and probably more to do with selling it. Audiences wouldn't care much about slasher movies, even if they have recognizable brand names. That nightmare on elm street remake may have made money but certainly didn't start a new franchise.

The founder is a highly entertaining movie. I think it flopped for a few reasons though. Mostly because a movie about an egotistical rich man who runs McDonald's was always going to be a tough sell, and then became far far tougher in the wake of Trump. But also because the Weinstein company foolishly dumped the movie

For me, 52 is one of the only flashy, year long comic book events that actually reads really well in isolation.

Season 1 was very lively, what with Frank chewing scenery with a perverse glee. Season 2 was still kind of fun. Raymond Tusk was always a great moustache twirling opponent. Season 3, the second half of 4 and 5 are boring for the reasons you mentioned. There's no pop, either in the writing or performances. Everyone is

And netflix helpfully auto plays each episode. So easy to just…sit and…let the episodes flow…and…what!? I've been watching house of cards for six straight hours!!!??? Why wasn't I watching an actually good show!!!???

Death would be too flashy for a character as boring as Tom. He deserves to be half-heartedly written off in the most forgettable way possible. You know, like that republican rival of Frank'sfrom season 2 and 3 (I think the actor abandoned ship for American Crime)