Mr Smith1466

I really love the dull, well acted stupidity of "Hyde Park on Hudson". Everything from Laura Linney's bizarre voice over voice, to Bill Murray as a weirdly sexless sexual predator, Olivia Williams stalking around the movie trying to bring a little class and the hilariously awful King George plot that has a complete

"Hmm, the audience might be getting a little restless after Kong destroys a bunch helicopters…here's Kong having a drink of water AND NOW HE FIGHTS AN OCTOPUS MONSTER FOR TWO MINUTES!!! There! Happy now? Back to the humans."

For a very long movie, Wonder Woman certainly has a relaxed and fairly brisk pace.

Wonder woman at least has a lot of mythology to gradually cover. Why the hell Man Of Steel needed 70% of it's insane runtime to tell a depressing superman origin is anyone's guess.

You might enjoy Wonder Woman then! It is deeply flawed but the movie is such an angry and heartfelt rebuttal to Frank Miller misery that it's hard not to get swept up. Plus Wonder Woman herself is so relaxed and enjoyable that she often feels like she got lost from an MCU movie.

That's actually a pretty good theory. You just know Tim Roth must have some juicy role lined up. Whether or not the voice on the phone was even the real Philip Jeffries is anyone's guess.

My knowledge of Night Court comes solely from that 30 Rock episode. But it was a very fun episode of 30 Rock.

Warner Brothers have been a little lacking with marketing but I think they're doing something different here. They're going to use critical reviews and hopefully strong word of mouth to drive sales. But they have done a lot of marketing already. Wonder woman has like 5 brilliant trailers. I think people are just using

It's been a weirdly successful year for great, radically different superhero movies. Lego Batman, Logan, GOTG2 and now this. Throw in the wonderful tv series Legion in there as well. I'm fairly ambivalent about Spider-man and Justice League but thor 3 should be wild fun.

It's sadly a news story when WB/DC somehow DOESN'T cock things up. Let's hope Wonder Woman is a big financial success and filmmakers like Patty Jenkins get more creative leeway to make great movies.

Suicide squad made an absurd amount of money despite being terrible and borderline incoherent. So logically, a good movie like Wonder Woman should make a bazillion dollars! That's right! All those freaks who love Harley quinn and joker will totally rush to see Wonder Woman.

The Chilton character was the perfect guy to pull the cruel prank with. He's always a full on asshole while still being lovable at the same time. So I enjoy seeing him ooze up the screen while still taking delight in his possible immortality. Making Freddy a woman was a smart move to add more female voices to the

I confess I haven't fully completed Prey yet, so this confuses me a bit: has everything in the game literally happened? All the survivors, the attacks, the super powers? Does the ending specify that the player actually did everything and was just being controlled and manipulated ala Atlas or was the whole game a

I think Fuller was always skittish about significant violence against women characters. If any character deserved it at a specific point in time, it was Freddy during a Red Dragon arc.

On the plus side, we've never had to endure the horror of a Bryan Fuller show dragging on so long that the originality and purity is gradually destroyed. Pushing Daisies deserved at least a better wrap up. Hannibal ended too soon but on probably the best definitive note possible. They were never going to get the

The achievement for killing Alex is called something like "Kill the fat man!" A wonderful callback to the psychology test wwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyy back at the start of the game. That in itself is purely genius and seemingly the casting of the wonderful Benedict Wong and his resulting character design is a lovely by product

She was quite good in Lion as well. Granted it was only a small role but Kidman was still great. She's always been a great actress but she's finally letting herself age gracefully and is doing some really great parts.

I always love that she's so disarmingly friendly that it's totally impossible to tell if she's just a genuinely lovely person or if she's messing with everyone for her own amusement. Her recent appearance was amazing. I love that she's now gleefully calling Selina her sister.

The second Narnia film has exactly one minute of pure gold. It's the minute where Tilda Swinton pointlessly cameos and manages to steal the entire show.

It was around the climax of a Cure for Wellness that I thought to myself "This is a really terrible movie but it's so damn daring and crazy that I'm more than happy to have given it money, if only to encourage more crazy"