
What about Barry Berry Bury?

Am I the only one that uses Shia LaBeouf in way to describe the scrubby-ness of some? Kid Rock is the worst. Shia is like mid-level. Orlando Bloom low level. I am totally up for re-working that or adding more grades.

Or we could just let his post die in oblivion.

I love iZombie. As a guy, I feel weird admitting I watch a CW show.

I want the boxing game from the first season.

I ended up buying this album because I read this review and the comments. I like FF and was genuinely curious about Sparks. I think the album is sort of 'meh'. This might be one of those things where I had higher expectations and it didn't live up to them. I will shelve this CD for a few weeks and give it another go

Most definitely typecast.

I can't see Jon Bernthal for anything that the high on contractor he played in the show The Class.

Midnight Sun. It was abandoned part of the way through because someone leaked it.

This series started off as Twlight fan fiction, right? So, of course she would attempt to follow in Stephanie Myer's footsteps by releasing the male character's POV story.

Wasn't this originally announced as being a series on Xbox Live or did I dream that? Either way, the more I hear about this show the more I wish it was exclusive to Xbox Live.

I actually got sort of excited when I heard that. I probably will be one of the few dads walking in to the theater with expectations that it will be good.

There is no way anyone can top the Reel Big Fish / Zolof the Rock n Roll Destroyer cover of Say Say Say. I'm sorry, the bar was set too high with this one.

I wholeheartedly disagree with that Barbie comment. Barbie - Life in the Dreamhouse is an absolute riot. It is one of the funniest kids shows I have seen in a long time. It is not Pineas and Ferb, but it is still a lot of fun. Netflix has a best of collection but the rest are easily found on YouTube.

The interwebs say otherwise

If you haven't seen it yet, watch Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse on Netflix. That show is absolutely hysterical.

Agreed. That movie was terrible except for most of the collective 10 minutes Michael Keaton was in it.

Body massage!