
There was that episode of 30 Rock where Tracy tried to cheer up Kenneth and staged a Night Court reunion where Harry and Christine get married. (It only had Harry, Christine, and Mac in it)

"Also, just to start a rumor for fun, maybe this means Marvel will let Michelle MacLaren direct the Captain Marvel movie? If that happens, just remember that we called it. "

Human Target

What about your peg leg at the end or your stump-a?

That reference might be too new. You know, 4 years old.

For some reason, every time I watch this movie I am sort of amused by Steven Spielberg's cameo.

Do you have a Miss Piggy?

You're gonna look pretty funny tryin' to eat corn on the cob with no f'ing teeth

Disco pants and haircuts

How about they just air the British version on Fox (minus a few shots from the season 2)? Seems like that would save a lot of time and money.

If you look at a website and go “Huh? I guess”, it probably should not be tagged as Good Job, Internet

Ok Internet. I will allow this one.

Classy dude.

Jesus. I waited through that whole thing and no coke plate?

Did anyone see that bit Joe Piscopo had in his comedy special from the 80s where is the drummer in a rock band and they came out with this service tray of coke? It was huge and every time he had a drum solo he would lean over and sniff the shit out of it. Hysterical. I have not seen it in probably 20+ years, but it

You are right. Can't believe I made that mistake. I forgot how much the blind love skeet shooting.

Replace the gun with a cane and he will look like a stereotypical blind man.

I hope they work in "Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face! Good day to you, madam."

This show did not make his career. It was his Talk Show Jon bit on his old talk show that did. Get it right people!