
Quite a few years ago, my wife and I decided to watch this as she recalled loving this movie as a kid but not recalling a lot of details from it. We sat down to watch it before letting our daughter watch it (we had been burned by movies in the past, especially ones from the 80s). We tried to watch it though our 4

Close. Cole slaw and unwashed baked potatoes.

I tried that for a local ska show 2 weeks before he was born. I would advise against it.

I 100% agree with that review. My father in law loves them and would take me out to eat there or bring me food from there all the time. So gross.

I live in the area of Michigan where these exist. They are disgusting, dirty and trashy. The steaks they serve are inedible without the aid of whole bottle of A1. With the exception of one of them, they are in terrible parts of town as well.

I can dig it. Has a slight Stereophonics vibe

My son is turning 1 and my wife likes terrible music so she would complain the entire time. Pretty much a buzz kill. Of course, if it is loud enough I wont be able to hear either one of them crying.

Figures. I am pretty much equidistant from Chicago and Detroit so the two dates they pick are my wife's birthday and my son's birthday. Guess I am not going to see them this time (or possibly ever).

Billy Crystal won't watch it then.

The Work Outing is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. LOVE that episode. The Speech is a really good one too.

Primal Scream - Rocks

Eels - Lucky Day in Hell

Eels - Novocain for the Soul

Love that song! I bet Trampled By Turtles would kill it.(Seriously)

Run DMC - Mary, Mary

Ray Parker Jr - Ghostbusters Theme

Faith No More - Last Cup of Sorrow

Suzanne Vega - 99.9 Fahrenheit Degrees

Speaking of Vulture…

He's actually in that? I only remember Jerry Reed dressing like the Bandit.