
His short lived VH1 show was pretty much all this. It was great

You might be in luck IF you have a PS4 and a PS Vita. You could remote play it and use headphones through the Vita. When I get this, this is probably how i will play it.

I wonder what Ebert would think of this.

So, CMT?

I love this idea! I want a black Dennis or a female Dennis.

The phone number they flash in there is totally legit. If you call it, you will get one of at least three different voicemail messages. I am not sure how many there really are, I gave up after three. Bolton asks you leave a message about your recent exploits to try to conceive a child.

I clicked on the link for this because I thought it said Fred Thompson.

That does not appear to be on her do not eat list so we should be good to go. Thanks for think info.

I have been wanting to try these for a while but my wife cannot have their chicken as they mix beef fat in with their grease (that must be why it is so good). Does anyone know what this is flash fried in?

When are people going to stop trying to make this dude a thing?

This better have clips of the Three Stooges and Star Wars mixed in to it or it will be complete shit. Also, they better never reveal Nanny above the knee.

That was poorly worded to say the least. I think Zoe meant that the band has been together for 23 years, not that the song was been out that long. I legit had to think about it for a second. It scared me because that song came out 2 years after i graduated high school meaning i would have graduated 25 years ago

So, an action/spy show with comedy where the main villain is Isis. I can't possibly see how this could fail.

In a very un-Beastie Boys move, this is how they premiered Ch-Check It Out. It was the Vegas episode if I remember correctly.

Jesus, even at 35 I must be too old for this shit because I can't figure what the fuck is going on here.

The Bravery really should have been on this list too.

The band Live no longer has a singer. Could this be it?

I am fine with the two guests at once thing but like you said, it really depends on the guest. The Steve Martin / Edie Brickell interview was super awkward though.

I am fine with the hour show/talking to more than one guest. I just wish they would stop shoe horning as many people in as possible and not letting the interview just breathe. Also, please stop booking whole casts (or large chunks of casts). The Downton Abbey and Good Wife "interviews" were just awful.

I expected much worse.
So, win?