
Hate to be the pessimist in the group, but we briefly visit the moon and do NOTHING for 40 years, talk about Mars till we are blue in the face and now hatching plans for asteroid mining?

Looks like something you'd see in a 1960's sci-fi film.

Troll bait is troll bait, but I'll bite.

They REALLY need to fast track this!

What's going to happen is that the courts will eventually peg Apple as a patent troll and benefit of doubt will evaporate leading to a string of court losses and their competitors getting ahead because Apple rested on it's laurels too long. They need to stop this non-sense and get back to business before they lose

It looks like ONE manufacturer got the hint that a bigger battery equals longer usage.. jeeze.

And what will be done about this?... absolutely nothing.

We truly do live in an age of miracles, but fret not, somebody somewhere will bitch and moan about it.

I can see police and emergency services using something like this.

Who in the hell is gonna confuse HTC with Porn?!?

A lot of business people use Apple products (Doctors, Lawyers, Executives) who are always getting interrupted. If someone in that environment is malicious and is aware of this bug a LOT can happen - it's a HUGE issue.

Don't scratch your nose!!

Chill out dude. It's only a phone. Pop a sedative or something..

"..sleep paralysis: you wake up in the midst of REM sleep and can't move and have to focus for minutes on trying to move."

Don't tell Gene Simmons about it or we're gonna have to call Tom Selleck to help us all out.

I've got a reason to Jailbreak an iPod: PRIVACY.

I know what you mean. I got a Seidio 2800mAh for my Moto Droid and now I run the screen at full brightness, rock the streams, marathon old Starsky & Hutch episodes, tether wirelessly when I need it and even occasionally run the GPS off the battery - the thing lasts AGES. It adds bulk to my phone, but now I finally

Two things dove me nuts about my Original Droid:

@metronome49: You hear a squeeshy sound then go to the home screen.