
First episode that bored me, for the most part. Right until that ending that had me freaking out!
Moloch is such a creep. I cringed when he talked about abducting and "touching" Abbie's soul.

That final scene alone, with the drink sharing, tipped this into A territory. Not ashamed to say I was moved by Abbie and Ichabod's relationship.

Yep. Also would explain his daughter's attitude where Irving is concerned. "The less the better."

Please, please no reoccurring babies or children or offspring. Don't kill my vibe, Sleepy Hollow.

All Andy needs is a scarf and he is set to join the gang.

I like that he has a back story and is personally connected to Ichabod. Maybe, I wouldn't go with him being Katrina's spurned lover (a bit of a letdown)… but, it made him a bit sympathetic to me and Ichabod was in desperate need of having some flaws and making some human mistakes.

That was a dickmove, Ichabod. If your best friend's fiance comes at you… don't do it. Especially when her only temperature setting is, apparently, lukewarm.

Oh, yeah. There's that and Ichabod's tedious intro week after week. But, I assume they're trying to catch the eyes of new viewers.

I kind of want to see Abbie and Andy's first date. He's working overtime for a shot with her.

It could have only been better if he spent an hour debating water prices with the camgirl.

Most ridiculous episode yet… also the best episode yet.

It was romantic… but, I just don't think it was overtly romantic. I can't see the show going there anytime this season.

I know! I watch Sleepy Hollow and think "none of this should work… yet, somehow it does."

I thought the scene was amazingly romantic and touching while still managing to be platonic. It's not like they were tonguing each other down or declaring their eternal love.

Ridiculous show. I love every minute of it.

Oh, this was a terrible conclusion to the series.  No where near "middling."

Californication is truly one of the worst shows on television.

This F was long awaited and well deserved.  I seriously can't wrap my mind around people ENJOYING this season and being aggressive about it.  Just… really?

I'll try this as well, cause…

This F is deserved.  I want to say that for moment… I was content.  I was even resigned to the obvious and irrational twist that involved Hannah, a crazy poisoner, raising Harrison.