
They killed off Katrina.

First 40 minutes: C

This was, without any doubts, my favorite episode of the season. Katrina's motivation did not make any sense. But, let's face the truth and admit that Katrina has never had a personality and has never made any sense on Sleepy Hollow.

I was so hyped for this episode and it was a total disappointment. Everything about it fell flat. Irving's death was not tragic, but idiotic. Henry's "redemption" was not touching, it was unbelievable.

Agreed. The one bright spot is Abbie and Ichabod joined together and fighting the apocalypse. Oops… isn't that what the show's premise is supposed to be?

Also, I feel like this is the first time Ichabod really sat back and listened to Abbie's story, where he really supported her like she's been supporting him.

Less is definitely more with Katrina!

I feel like Abbie's mom just got the "freak of the week" treatment. Not good.

1. Abbie is a glorified sidekick.
2. Not enough Jenny.
3. Irving in a psyche ward limbo.
4. Ichabod is not as charming or ass hatty.
5. Way too much Katrina.
6. Who is Hawley? Why is he in love with Abbie?

This show if fallen off.

What if I prefer the lighter plot? So much more entertaining than the past few weeks!

The driving scene, the wiping of the milk foam, the really ugly and creepy Pied Piper, Abbie letting loose when hearing the flute, Henry grinding the bone flute and eating it, the cocky mercenary privateer showing up…

Andy Brooks is my favorite character… ever. Why doesn't Abbie want some of that? Alien skin and all.

Watching Ichabod in these episodes was physically painful. Every time he made a decision I would immediately say "no, please, don't because that is literally the worst thing you can do in this situation…. just keep looking pretty and start complaining about the various facets of modern society."

Zombie George Washington's body is buried in a booby trapped pyramid along with a map to purgatory.

Exactly. Seeing him in new clothes just made me suddenly realize how old and nasty his usual outfit is.

Ichabod had a face full off Abbie's behind. Damn him. In fact, damn him to purgatory where his wife is.

I bet Ichabod was wishing it was 200 years prior and he just cornered pretty little Abbie under the mistletoe.

The doll was creepier prior to becoming a golem. Ugly as all hell.

Agreed. Purposely leaving her out of the scene with the witches and calling her a spectator was confusing…