
According to Dexter, love is so grand that it occupies the mind at all times… so when that appointment for murder pops up, a serial killer will be too busy thinking about boning to kill!

US Marshal to wanted killer (who recently appeared on prime time news): Who are you?

Seriously?  This show would have been slightly more tolerable Hannah never existed.

I feel so bad… but, I also laughed extra hard when Harrison fell off that treadmill.  Part of me wishes it were more serious so Dexter would finally just go crazy and off Hannah.

Oh, they care.  They'll never free themselves of the stench of shame that will forever be associated with the final season of Dexter.


I need to print this review out, frame it and send it to the every single member of Dexter's writing staff.

Dexter is a complete douchebag now.  I hope Hannah gives him herpes.

Hannah is a plague.  The actress is lovely, but Hannah is a plague.

Yes.  Anyone who watches Lifetime movies had that same sense of deja vu!  The entire team at Dexter really shamed themselves with that one.

They are really trying to force this idiotic, nonsensical love story between Dexter and the ever boring Hannah McKay.  One season of torture was not enough!  Good lord, could that woman be any more monotonous or expressionless?

See, I don't agree.  I feel like Sookie still ships herself with Bill though and will continue to constantly come up with reasons to say "heeey, remember way back in season 1 when you were really nice to me and there was sex happening?"

Eric keeps whining about this Nora person, expecting Bill to care.  NO ONE CARES.  In a few episodes, Eric won't ever care.

Michelotto definitely suffered from a love he dare not mention.  Wasn't that air caress painfully similar to (and even more painfully unrequited!) Lucrezia caressing a sleeping Cesare and rousing him in a similar fashion?  All these forbidden emotions and temptations.  Damn you, Cesare Borgia.

Of course you mention their Lucrezia.  She's the only saving grace. I really tried with that series, but it is awful.  It is slightly less tolerable than The Tudors.

I will forever be bitter because Showtime gave this a premature ending it did not deserve.  This review was phenomenal and the episode was left me a little breathless.