Mrs. Manface

First, the JcPenny in Jefferson City's dying mall, then the world!!

*it's all the same five stories from when he was in high school and also that time he wrote a Superman movie*

You would say that, Jonathan…NOLAN. I'm on to you!

lol, is this a bit?

It's mentioned in here:

It happened last year.

The finale will become Will & Grace Legends.

The finale had a falling out between Will and Grace and them reconciling in a flash-forward twenty years later. The Will & Grace space-time continuum must be maintained!

Looking into it, I think I was mistaken. I was basing it on the Adult Swim/Toonami guys having said they own SAC like they do Big O 2, but it looks like the circumstances were different.

Going by the second seasons of Big O and Ghost in the Shell, I think it's safe to say that shouldn't be a concern.

That scene was from Jodi Picoult's run, not Allan's.

Simply harrowing.

Ditto Batman: Bellicosity!

Daredevil/Bullseye: The Target #2 is going to come out any day now!

And got to reprise the character twice more in the animated movies they had started doing! It's going to be bittersweet when the second one comes out this year.

…Goosebumps? It's a PG movie. What can they even edit out?

Blade Trinity auteur David S. Goyer

The guy's switch from comedy voice to drama voice in that second video is art.

Ha, didn't remember that! I was thinking of this:

Wait, parodying the Macarena wasn't timeless?!