No football team has ever gained yardage on a running play when the other team knew they were running. Nagy was billed as some sort of fucking offensive genius and he can’t call a play in that situation to get them a few more yards?
No football team has ever gained yardage on a running play when the other team knew they were running. Nagy was billed as some sort of fucking offensive genius and he can’t call a play in that situation to get them a few more yards?
I don’t even have to see the autoplay videos because I’ve fixed my browser. But I just locked my work computer and a notification is on the screensaver about the thing playing, with an option to pause.
Deadspin’s bosses, turn this ridiculous shit off, it’s not making you money and it’s pissing off all your readers…
Have you met the quarterback?
It definitely will. I think this is his first non-controlled public appearance since becoming President, likely to avoid this exact scenario. This will play 24/7 on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. Dude is gonna be pissed.
Yeah, I don’t understand why teams are often so unwilling to try to move get closer in these situations. I know you don’t want to risk a turnover, but these kicks aren’t automatic.
It was probably NOLA until this year, thanks to the Saints’ Mickey Loomis staffing the medical and training staff with football people. Since football is definitely the same sport as basketball and requires similar types physical movement and training, the Pelicans regularly featured a ton of people injured (including…
They get the worst of it though, because everyone is exhausted by the end of the NFL week. TNF has become more interesting as the football appetizer and first sign that the weekend is approaching. SNF is appealing because they generally get the better matchups, and it gives you one last chance to enjoy the weekend…
Eh, chances of that are minuscule. Remember the AAF from this summer? Only 9 players made it to active NFL rosters:
Yes, we all understand it’s a stepping stone. That’s obvious to anyone. But what’s more obvious is that Vereen knew this and still rejected the path.
Except every time someone tries to create a league for that pipeline, none of those players end up on a roster anyway. So banking on an NFL paycheck thanks to the XFL is fucking stupid, especially if this is the shit they're gonna give you.
I’m honestly surprised that the players wont be independent contractors.
Why pay QBs $500K? Spread the wealth around to the other players. It’s secondary league/offseason football. Nobody is watching the XFL because of the QBs who can’t make 3rd string NFL practice squads.
Wow. Just wow. I mean it’s like people in power (namely white men) refuse to acknowledge when they are at fault. The entire front office should be fired now. They attempted to smear, intimidate and flat-out discredit a person who simply did her job. This is the epitome of privilege.
I can’t imagine their initial “investigation” went beyond asking Taubman if the comments were directed at anyone, and then credulously accepting him saying “of course not.”
THIN Fucking LIZZY isn’t on the list either. Criminal!
I’m a big Simon and Garfunkel fan and no way should be they be on a rock music list.
1. The Kinks
What year was the oldest staff member involved in this list born?
Needs U2 and REM somewhere on there, just to make everyone feel old as shit.