
Getting paid and coasting is the American Dream and Hassan Whiteside is my personal hero.

Motherfucker, you killed somebody! The travesty isn’t that you were fired; it’s that it took five goddamn years to do it! Five goddamn years to fire a motherfucker is the opposite of capricious!

I’m sorry but the Astros said that this is misleading and you are just trying to fabricate a story. They are actually up 2 games to none. THEY HAVE WIVES AND DAUGHTERS AND ARE PROGRESSIVE.

This is organized Russian trolling/harassment; they are pretending to be a well known progressive Kinja commentor. When you check the name of the account, it's a similar-but-different take on the original. G/o media needs to get on this shit and trace where it's coming from, and pursue every method of mitigating it.

Probably some arcane CBA rule no one ever knew about that nets them a compensatory draft pick in perpetuity.

Right - the guy who along with Peyton Manning was instrumental in getting the rules changed in the first place to allow the QB to have the game ball that they use on offense inflated to the pressure they prefer (within a specified range) couldn’t tell the difference between over inflated and under inflated footballs.

All he fucking had to do was say, no, It’s not related to Kraft, It was filmed before that whole Incident came up. Done. Instead he takes being asked a question as an opportunity to try to turn It Into an “unfair media” moment and a legion of asskissers don’t take a second to step back and think about It, but rush to

Brady’s case is exacerbated by the fact that he got genuinely fucked over by the NFL for deflating footballs.

His comments had everything to do about the game situation that just occurred and nothing else 

When a joke isn’t funny, it is important to keep telling it. It is this persistence that will someday get me out of the grays.

Only two franchises are capable of such horseshit.

I envy you because you seem lucky enough to have not seen a single PAC-12 or MWC game in the last decade.

You expect me to believe that there’s going to be some omnipotent Sky Judge with absolute power watching everything on the football field, and that he really cares how the game is played? Nice try.

Lol. Yang is a one trick pony. Automation, Automation, Automation, followed by $1,000/month.

Democratic candidate: Hey, maybe we shouldn’t let people die in the streets.

Being in the mid-single digits for months on end, even after other candidates have come and gone IS flagging. The election is officially a year away and people have been campaigning for almost a year. He came out strong (when mid-single digits were good!) and hasn’t managed to increase his showing despite months of

It literally is, though. There’s an emerging “Anyone but Warren” group and ppl who shat their pants about Hillary Clinton having a flu are staying pretty silent about Sanders having a heart attack. She’s absolutely going to face sexist attacks, because that’s the kind of country this is.

She’s spoken openly about how and why her politics changed.  Her evolving as a person and politician are MORE reason to support her.  This is not a talking point, stop bringing it up.