
With all due respect, I’m not sure you have a firm grasp on the dog-whistle complaint of American conservatives against socialism. It is, almost without fail, a tirade against taking something from them (viewed to be a hard-working person not benefiting from privilege or institutional systems assisting them and just

Yeah... All this toothless Oscarbait like [scrolls up] Holy Motors, Under the Skin, Computer Chess, Green Room, Dogtooth, Tangerine, The Witch, Spring Breakers, Uncle Boonmee, A Ghost Story... Nothing out of the ordinary here at all.

that all manage to be engrossing and entertaining standalone films at worst” - I beg to differ on all of them being engrossing and/or entertaining personally but I get your point. I don’t agree with you, but you are entitled to your opinion on this.


I’d argue some of the greatest films ever made have extremely simple plots, so that isn’t a disqualifier. The Wizard of Oz, Halloween, and Alien immediately come to mind. 

All the comic book films are basically the same, except Spiderverse which is genuinely wonderful. 

Because the movies are not that great. Winter Soldier is the best they put out and even then it does not make my top 5 of Comic movies.

Justified is, I think, far more rewatchable than almost every “Prestige TV Drama” that aired this decade.

I know I will be destroyed for saying this, but...

asdkfjdk my GOD woman, get your head out of your ass. Sarah, you write shitty teen romance YA, you’re not out here writing the next Booker Prize novel. Of course a college junior, who is presumably in her twenties and you know, at university to challenge herself academically, wants to read something with more

How would Dessen even find this criticism?

I think season 2 was widely misunderstood (and a lot of critics had the knives out for it before it even came out), but it doesn’t even matter if 2 and 3 were dogshit (not that they were): You can’t possibly tell me a show with the kind of cultural impact season 1 had doesn’t even belong in the top one hundred shows

Justified is one of my all-time favorite shows and I’d say stands up with the best TV of the past decade.

Yay Justified! I may have DVR’d great shows like GOT, Mad Men, and Breaking Bad, but I always watched Justified live. It’s not as “good” a show as those others, but it was almost always the most enjoyable show of the week for me.

Yes, I did go too far here, I’ll admit that.

I really wish there was some sort of sports and politics combo to discuss this madness further! Or one take on it on the sports page, and another on the politics page!

A question for the Funbag: why should I keep reading anything on this website after Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment went to the lengths of firing Barry, like cowards, for the dumbest of reasons?

I want to support the writers here—this is both the best website that exists, and has ever existed, and the best sports

As someone who was once part of a similar insurrection against arrogant, incompetent, and condescending management, I want to applaud all of y’all for today’s showing. I’m sure you’re simultaneously enjoying the fun of mutiny while also understanding the risk. Please also know how much it means to us here in the feebl

Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its

Going after a guy from behind is a bitchass move 100% of the time.