
With all that has occurred in the last 2 1/2 years, what makes you think that this administration gives a shit about justice?

And yet the DOJ hasn’t deigned to bring charges against the still-unidentified CBP agent that murdered Claudia Gomez Gonzalez.

Yeah, I thought so too, but the number comes from HUD.

I think this is literally the only thing that could possibly redeem this wannabe strongman’s bullshit partisan takeover of the Fourth of July.

<Post deleted>

Ass backwards is not the positioning I associate with Deep Throat.

In Kilmeade’s defense, I’ve read that the facilities are like the Four Seasons, in that they alternate between being too fucking hot and too fucking cold.

Speaking of ignoring the problem, Jeff Bezos could give each of the 554,000 homeless people in the US a $250,000 housing stipend and still be one of the 30 richest people in the country.

Sad as hell. Just 27. And ever since Hutchence, I can’t help but think it’s an auto-erotic asphyxiation mishap.

What makes it so unfortunate is that, were he to win the nomination, he’d be trying to unseat someone whose children are of such impeccable character.

Thanks Istari. That’s some top-notch detective work.

Well I for one am thoroughly outraged.

Hey, they only had a 99.984% chance of not losing all four of the games in that tweet.

Thank you for this. Fascism be damned, I truly believe everyone in the country should be forced to stare at that picture for a full minute.

First off, people may have qualms with how liberal Obama ended up being, but he did not run as a centrist. He was clearly to the left of his main opposition, not to mention that his messaging (and identity) provided added incentive among oft-disenfranchised voters to vote for him.

How about you start, and please name a fringe Republican who had never held a political office of any kind or even run a campaign that had won a presidential election in the last 200+ years, prior to 2016.

It’s not that I (or it seems like, you) wouldn’t vote for him. It’s that many young liberals/progressives aren’t going to be inspired to vote at all if he’s the candidate. We don’t seem to care about disenfranchising those folks, and it’s part of what cost us the last time. We are already attempting to cater to those

I wholly disagree. Biden is the worst candidate because no one is going to hustle to the polls to vote for a fucking centrist. And if there’s a lesson to be learned from 2016, it’s not Don’t pick another woman because Trump will do the same thing to her. It’s don’t pick a candidate based on something as hollow and