
I read once that if you push your tongue into the roof of your mouth at the time the photo is taken then you end up with a more natural looking smile.

I don't live in the US and I am not an economist so I'm probably going to be way off here ... but wouldn't it be easier to scrap individual state taxes and just have one fixed tax across the whole of the US?

I live in this Europe you speak of and I've not seen any frowning occurring in the UK, France, Germany, Italy or Spain. Nor do we have magazine articles telling men off for wearing them.

In order for iOS to have widgets, they'd have to redesign the UI to have the concept of a desktop that you can place widgets on to. At the moment, once you unlock the device you're immediately presented with a list of available applications and flowing widgets around them would not only look horrible but be really

In the UK you can complain to the Advertising Standards Authority as it's clearly a misleading advert.

I've got a HTC Desire HD and it's not bad, but then having said that, it's pretty unpolished. Some things haven't been properly thought out, some features appear to have been added in a half-assed fashion in order to tick some kind of box and I can find at least one (often two) defects/flaws/annoyances in almost every

It works on the HTC keyboard too. Unfortunately HTC didn't completely think it through and so forgot to add "" for UK variants of their software.

The point that everyone is missing is that Google are touting Instant Mix as a killer feature right now - which it clearly isn't right now. If they needed another 6 months of data, then they should have held off making any claims until that point.

I don't, but I'm guessing that some of the popular apps are the weather followed by something that tells you whether there are any delays/accidents/roadworks on your daily commute.

Until Google Calendar supports tentative appointments, I'm not sure how you can sync it with Outlook. Last time I tried, the first sync would ignore those marked tentative but then the second sync promptly deleted the appointment in Outlook because it couldn't be found on the Google Calendar!

Oh please, have you ever driven a car without power assisted steering or been involved in an emergency stopping situation where you've needed to jam on the brakes?

They way I buy CPU's is simple. I buy the fastest CPU available before the pricing jumps into stupid money territory.

It's generally agreed these days that it's not cheaper to build a machine that is the _exact_ specification of a brand-name company. They buy their components in massive bulk and can still offer it cheaper to consumers even with their profit margin added on.

How about 1080p? I bought a 32" 1080p television but the problem is that over the air HD TV is only 720p and nearly all of the movies on my NAS are only 720p.

Yet for all the "control" he has, he didn't manage to stop Samsung releasing the Galaxy S with broken GPS.

Personally I'd just use DoPDF which is free, although admittedly it doesn't support any of the security functionality that the format can offer (eg. no printing, no cutting and pasting).

If you're in a house which is going to go over the 250GB cap then consider the business package from your ISP. It'll cost you more, but you'll get a larger cap (sometimes unlimited) and they often include extras such as static IPs - which is nice if you want to access hardware remotely.

If this was sold in a pack of four for $13 then I would be interested. However $26 for only one is just too expensive.

I'm sceptical. If your Android phone starts connecting to (for example) then it's going to be fairly easy for the carriers to realise that you're probably tethering.

A nice idea in theory, but one of those things that doesn't work out in the real world.