
Does this fix the issue where Quicktime reports the error message "An invalid public movie atom was found in the movie" yet VLC plays the file just fine?

Google reader in Firefox:

@bayonetta.x: If you want to run Windows 7, then PeerBlock is your only realistic option.

TuneUp looks good but the options for the free version are limited. Is there anything else out there for Windows which is free?

The easiest solution is to go out, buy a battery charger (a fast one which supports all the major battery types) and a selection of various rechargeable batteries.

Don't bother submitting your resumé as PDF. I tried that a couple of times and the HR department always came back and asked for it in Word format. Just make sure its not in Word 2007 and you'll be fine.

If you buy your shirts from any good shirt shop, they will also sell stainless steel collar stays. Slightly classier than using cut up pieces of card and last a hell of a lot longer. Some examples can be found at []

I must be missing something. Digsby provides notifications for IM, Facebook and my email. I don't use twitter but if I did it handles that too, a pop up for new music tracks might be nice and ... errr ... that really is about it. What else do I exactly need notifications for?

I'm in the UK so the tipping culture is completely different here. However if, after booking a table, I'm made to wait an hour well firstly, I'd leave and secondly I'd certainly not tip the maître d’ $10 or $20 on the way out in the hope that they might remember me next time to let me sit down at the time I want!

@karelj: Exactly, it's pointless as all the major applications have their own notification system already built in. If you wanted something consistent across applications, then it would be far better if Microsoft created a Windows notification system that applications could hook into.

Worth noting that Bcc on things such as birthday invites isn't the best of ideas because people cannot see who is invited and then (and more importantly) flag to you if you're missed someone out. I've been to a couple of parties where several couples haven't been there because everyone assumed that they were on the

Whilst a dedicated application has a lot of potential in the future, unfortunately the current version is no better than just having a bookmark to the mobile version in Safari.

I generally use "Regards, MyName" except when I'm asking someone to do something, in which case I use "Thanks, MyName".

One point to note is that you should check your contract for the notice period. If it says one month and you give two weeks (as per the article) then your employee most definitely won't consider it a plus!

Funnily enough, just yesterday when I was in different city and needed to get directions to the hotel but couldn't remember the address. Stuck the name of the hotel into Google on my iPhone, hit "Get Directions" and it very nicely fired up Google Maps and showed me how to get from my current position to there. Worked

Whilst there are some nice features in this, I can't help feeling slightly aggrieved that I have to pay for something that really should have come with the iPhone in the first place.

@TimothyMacropod: It's not quite the same though as a task will hang around until you complete it. At that point you mark it as such.

I must be the only one in the mobile industry who thinks that Tasks should be a basic part of the PIM tools on a mobile phone. The iPhone doesn't come with tasks, the Pre doesn't and neither does Android.

How apt! My smart long-sleeved (double cuffed) work shirt has just ripped (4cm long) at the elbow and I won't be going home for another 7 hours.

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