
O0o0h sizzling hot take -- you have to speak to your teacher after class for that one?

I think they were having fun with it too. If the game doesn’t matter, why not make the game=within-the-game more interesting? He’s blatantly going to irrational lengths to reach a milestone -- why not play the spoiler?

Often, you can make this leap and be correct — because racists are everywhere and dog whistles can be loud. But, here — you are wrong. Just last season, Eck was spewing praise for Stroman — loving his game and style. It was minutes-long praise of how he dresses on the mound, stating that his necklaces and flair remind

my point is getting elected in the 21st century is a telegenic/charisma game. maybe some old hat republicans in the bible belt are still getting elected on name recognition. but, if you are trying to break into politics today and want to get attention from the American public -- you better have your media game up to

you’ll have to let me know the next time a senator who is uncharismatic, ugly, and entirely wonkish wins an election. find me the ugly AOC or Omar whose social media is just sharing white papers.

at some point, you will realize that being good on social media and TV is the only thing that matters for the rest of human civilization. 

so it’s ok as long as people creating unpleasant distractions know they are creating unpleasant distractions. and i thought ignorance was bliss!

you are wrong. it’s not incorrect. i’m a professional copyeditor and this would only be flagged as a regionalism. there’s at least 15 states where this would be the preferred usage. if you are going to be a language snob, at least have the knowledge base to be correct in your snobbish takes. 

*yawn* let’s keep our pants on and stick to fixing the tax code. this monarchy is less flush than the average Dow Jones company. 

this is wrong. it’s either/or; it’s a regionalism. how is this the highest rated comment?

Are you saying Pau Gasol was better than Kobe for those two championships? Because that’s a hot take I’d like to see boiled down, and shot into my veins. 

Deadspin: The NFL is a labor camp pushing indentured servitude on its players.
Also Deadspin: Any idiot should risk their body to play for the VERY COOL NFL.
MLB journeymen nobodies make more money than legit NFL superstars — and have long careers and risk far less long-term damage. This take is just edgy and part of

Not Fed -- he was already a grand slam winner when the other three were still in Juniors.

If you look at the 15 or so most successful tour players of the modern era, four of them are actively playing. Even if Murray is the least successful of the historically great “the Big Four,” he’s still a legend in the sport and deserving of the acknowledgement to stand with Fed, Rafa, and Nole.

It is proven again and again that cannabis helps many people deal with anxiety, pain management, and insomnia. If someone is dealing with mental health issues and also plays a contact sport professionally -- it goes without saying that cannabis can be helpful to that person. I don’t know what lobby or moral standard

Tatum is averaging 7.7 rebounds to Wiggin’ 3.3. He’s averaging almost double the assists. He’s averaging just about 2 points less than Wiggins on two less attempts a game. And he’s 20 years old — Wiggins was drafted in the same class as Marcus Smart. Smart is a “veteran leader” on the Celtics. If Tatum’s numbers look

you are a giants fan who roots for the Dodgers over the Red Sox/Yankees/Cardinals? no judgment, but that’s weird AF.

i think joe west actually got the call right. it’s just a really shitty circumstance that it came down to a guessing game on whether Betts would have caught the ball. as the TBS crew pointed out after the game, Mookie’s body is still pretty far from the wall when the ball hits his glove (you can see the gap in the

if this is a full blown disaster for any institution, it’s the press and the tennis talking heads. i’ve never seen such a disparity in takes between sports writers and fans in my life. i’m not a super avid tennis fan, but my social media involves several tennis forums and groups — the take from fans (who are generally