
source? check out tennis-focused threads. this ump is known to be thin skinned with men too. there’s a video of him taking points from djoker making the rounds. plus, i’m a pretty big tennis fan — and a big Williams sisters fan — and i’ve never once seen an outburst like this in a grand slam final. the coaching

bunting means you tried to bunt the ball in play and failed. you’re wrong if you think he tried to bunt that ball in play or even offer at it. it’s a regular foul ball. new pitch. end of story. you’re wrong.

it is a foul ball -- it’s not a bunted foul ball. end of story. bunted foul ball is strike three -- regular foul ball with two strikes is another pitch. you are arguing a non-argument. 

TIL jizz is unique to gay sex

you are literally innocent until proven guilty. unless you are waxing on philosophical — he is innocent. his accuser can still allow this to resurface if something happened — until then, he’s innocent.

I don’t know who this lady is — but that whole story not only made Lupica sound like an asshole, but made her sound incredibly annoying.

maybe my take is flaming. i enjoy skiing, and i enjoy watching skiing once every four years. i’ve actually appreciated Miller’s commentary for whatever reason. before i saw this headline, i already felt like it was pretty obvious he’s been unenthusiastic. but, in all the past years, i don’t think i’ve been told of so

another way to look at it: the NBA is already the most elite league of all professional sports leagues. it has the smallest rosters, and even making into the NBA makes you incredibly, absurdly good at basketball. thus, if you stand out in the NBA — you are a legend. i would argue even making into the NBA makes you a

Kancer Jam? Sounds like a lot of people aren’t looping him into things.

especially since he applied it to a kid

how was the second one brutal at all? it would have been a brutal no call.

not sure if this is sarcasm — must be since it got the stars. but, just in case, Cavs have the Nets 1st Rounder, which just got a lot better.

what do they call the ball?

fwiw, he played a lot of games last year for the red sox. this isnt his debut.

I guess his mom sleeping with a black dude is impossible? You ever see Me, Myself, and Irene? I think that’s the situation we’re looking at here.

Your photo dept didn’t do the best job making that blurred image any safer for work. From a distance, it just looks like more flesh surrounding a dude on his knees.

he has a top 3 downloaded sports podcast. he pioneered sports blogging. he launched grantland — a fantastic digital product. and the ringer is actually pretty good — does anyone have legit concrete issues with the content besides hating on its “unique page view.” the hate on simmons is so hilarious on this site. maybe

there’s so many more MLBA players than NBAplayers. lebron representing a large percentage of the WAR is concentrated due to the smaller sample size. these data don’t really correlate.

Wouldn’t the 36-12 Cav advantage in FTs make up for Lebron’s poor night? Add that disparity to his point total, and we have another legendary Lebron performance. Yet, the Celtics still prevailed.

I hope the Celtics lose by 50 tonight. Then win Game 5 by 1 point in 3x OT — and Lebron twists his ankle defending Smart’s

The other lesson is: keep winning and make trades with Billy King.