
Hell yes. I am SO ready for the “cold shoulder” tops to take a hike.

I hated Civil War. Everyone I know loves it and I’m just like, ‘...why???’

I spend longer than 15 minutes, because I have terrible skin and no eyebrows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Kander would be terrific. Hell, I’d take Franken, as well.

My casting choice for Linda Tripp:

Always my desired outcome with these tests.

Uggghhh, Sucre is one of my least-favorites from PB. Passsssss.

Awesome! I think she even looks a little bigger, too. :D

Nah, Studio Ghibli.

This person is one selfish motherfucker; they take over every Dirt Bag with pointless ‘news’ about other things, and Rhianna stanning. Fuck No-Mi and their Russian Spring, or whatever. They clearly think they’re more important than others.


Option A, please.

Came here to say the same--if only abusers would hurt themselves as the FIRST step, more often.

Good. Hurt the brand. Bare Minerals doesn’t work for people like me who need heavy coverage, plus, I bought a Cosmo for the first time in years last week, and like 3 pages of it were basically a paid spread for BM. Fuck both of ‘em (and me, for not knowing better than to buy a fucking Cosmo).

Excactly. I can’t stand him, and I didn’t even want to see GotG because of him. I like the movie now, just not this hack.

The “you’ll change your mind!” spiel is SO infuriating. Like, oh, will I? Do you have access to my thoughts, my wants, needs, desires? Jesus. It makes me want to rage-scream at people.