
Oh my God, exactly all of this. I loathe this “I didn’t really know what love was until baby” bullshit. It reinforces the whole ‘women are baby-crazy incubators’ crap and it makes my blood pressure go to 11. Not all of us want to give up our lives to the Mommy Cult, for fuck’s sake.

Same here. I don’t care if she’s gay, she seems like an idiot.

Take a flask, pour liquor of choice into your Coke; best-case scenario, you won’t remember the movie.

This is terrifying. Yet, I can’t look away.

Not to be “that person”, but here goes:

Please watch this video of Hugh Jackman recording voiceover for Logan and, as ONTD suggests, close your eyes while doing so.

Drive Angry. God, that movie is insane.But it’s sooo entertaining.

The mean girl I went to school with was Amy. I still hate that little bitch.

I just received this as a Christmas gift. It’s not that great. Kind of like sleeping on a Holiday Inn pillow.

Co-sign. And she had a hotter Mr Knightley.

My local Barnes and Noble always has a copy of the complete series on the shelf. I’m sure it can be found on Amazon, too. It’s definitely worth looking for.

The Power of Three will set you free...

I do, but only if it’s on a sandwich or wrap. GET THAT SHIT OFF MY SANDWICH/WRAP.

But is it as good as Carol???!!

Booze. Lots and lots of booze.

Exactly. I’m trying to take care and not get too down, but at the same time, it’s like, ‘wtf does it matter’. I can’t let myself get like that, or wallow in the sense of doom and gloom... but it sure is easy to lean that way.

He has never been discriminated against in any way that I know of. I didn’t ask him to elaborate, because I was kind of in shock. I wanted to tell him that people finally getting the same rights he’s had forever does not mean that his rights are being taken away, but I was feeling tired and defeated and just decided

Thank you. :) We both have tempers and care A LOT about our opinions, so I don’t really talk politics much with him at all, for the sake of family ties. He’s a smart guy and doesn’t really go with the crowd--yet a devotee of Fox News. Oy. People, they are a mess of contridictions. 

You are my hero right now.