My thoughts exactly. Like, back off, Henry Higgins. Did he sing the opening lines of Suddenly, Seymour while he did it? Ugh.
“He is obviously good-looking”
Only as long as none of the entries are “hurt durr, TrUmP iS pReZ!!1", I agree. I need something less scary than real life to distract from the horrors of real life.
I’ve never been able to stand him in anything but GotG, as Rocket.
So, we have to assume she’ll be mentioned in every article, even if she’s not mentioned in the headline? K.
Is there some app that allows me to filter content about Pete and Ariana? If so, let me know. I'd even pay for one, at this point.
Starred for "Richie Rich". I watched that more times than I want to admit as a teen. (I had a crush on the butler.)
I read the book a couple of decades ago. (I used to be an ambitious reader, set on reading all the classics including all of DH Lawrence’s published works. I failed.) I don’t remember being shocked by the sex. What was more controversial (and what I especially enjoyed) was the criticism of the church.
God I hate her. Watching Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day sealed it for me. I wanted someone to shove her off of the rich guy’s balcony.
I HATE TOM HANKS! He is so overrated! And I hate Rita Wilson. She’s such a fucking bottom feeder!
God I hate Kristen Wiig. She probably thinks she’s a lot funnier than anyone else could ever find her. I won’t watch a movie if she’s in it. I hate that she’s in Wonder Woman 2.
Lea Michele is such a try-hard. She looks like she’d be fake-nice, and she seems like she’s got a very high opinion about herself (and for no reason).
Every Missouri woman I know voted for Hillary. They’re all in the 45-24 age range. MO has a lot of older, wealthy-ish conservative women who probably voted for Drumpf because it wouldn’t directly affect them or their lives, so. It’s not completely red, but it sure does have a lot of assholes who vote that way.
@Gnatalby: Sounds like she was taken roughly by her husband (Austin)/ had p in v sex for the first time with him /consummated her marriage. First there's the reference to the "dull misery of her marriage," then "Austin's rough advances" (presumably on their wedding night) when she had "the cruel experience that must…
@Gnatalby: It sounds like she got married last week and didn't enjoy her wedding night because she didn't know what was happening. Edith Wharton was scarred from her own marriage, since in those days a lady was not supposed to know what happens on the wedding night—until it actually happens.
@Gnatalby: My read is she lost her virginity to a guy's "rough advances," and now that the (inevitably) painful part is over, she's ready to "reap its fruit."
@Phendraana: seeing as how such a doc would just hook you up to a vibrator with symptoms like that, you ought be cured of your hysteria in no time
I require a tonic & some powders after reading that. I think I'm coming down with womens' hysteria, are there any good doctors out there who can kindly alleviate it for me?
They don't call her estate The Mount for nothing.