
Urgh, Ryan Phillipe, what a fucking scumbag. More red flags than a Soviet parade. There is something especially odious (though v common) about abusive men who hide in plain sight claiming to be feminists (see also: Weinstein throwing money at Democratic pro-women initiatives when his power and influence were waning.) I

It’s clearly a comment on the commodification of natural resources (weed) by corporate America (Nike)! Watch out, or I’ll start talking color symbolism in the Great Gatsby at you!!!

I dunno, to me it reads as an aspect of our culture of cynicism, that people need to rush to tell us how little they care about things, including death and Elizabeth Gilbert. Such a hurry, that they forget that they’re talking about a real person that died, and a real person that lost someone they loved.

Immediate grief responses can be pretty self-oriented. Folks get pulled into their pain and longing when they lose someone they love: I want them, I miss them, I hurt. It’s overwhelming, to say the least.

He was basically the proudest dad in the world when she won an Oscar.

My father and stepfather were terrible role models. I avoided having my own kids because I didn’t trust myself to be better. My stepdaughter helped me realize that I was. She showed me a side of myself that I didn’t even think existed. I’ll always love her and be grateful that I have that experience.

I have all rescues myself. Difficult dogs are not for everybody. And it looks like she wasn’t fit for that dog as much as it wasn’t fit for her. These things happen. And she took the care to re-home it. That’s not irresponsible, in fact quite the opposite.

I have had a foster dog for 3 years. He can’t leave, and I can’t formally adopt him yet because of his behavioral issues. He was gentle and friendly in the shelter— because he’s an extremely sensitive dog, and when you separate him from me, he shuts right down. The rescue and I have worked with 3 dog trainers, and

Your #bitterparty is DEFINITELY not “of one”.

Yes. To all of it. As a mom that’s felt tormented by teachers because I’m a working mom and room mom, but can’t be there 24/7, but, oh, you know, dump $400 of my own money on goodie bags for halloweenvalentineswinterkindachristmas celebrations and food so the one with the allergy won’t feel left out, but I’m not good

All jokes aside, that looks like a really aggressive way to hold a horse? Why isn’t he holding the reins like a normal person?

They both bought property on White Feminist Island and don’t check their mail very often.

Ha! Ex-husband got very very pissed off with me when putting up a tent. The apex was 6'6", i’m 5'2".

This is so well-put. While “cultural appropriation” is definitely indicative of white person entitlement, I feel like the conversation is always “what you’re doing is wrong!” rather than “I understand that your intentions might be that you’re interested in this culture, but your first step should be to educate

I want him to win and thank Kim & Kanye. Now *that* would be the ultimate kick in the teeth.

30 day close =/= 30 day lease back.

Remember that classic scene in Do The Right Thing where Mookie asked John Turturro’s character why he used the word nigger so much if his favorite basketball player was Magic Johnson, his favorite comedian was Eddie Murphy, and his favorite singer was Prince? And Turturro explained that they weren’t “real niggers?”

I am reminded of a case, years back, in which a very wealthy couple used their children as pawns in a divorce battle (if I have any lacunae in my memory of this, I am sure some J-belles will let me know); and the judge was finally so tired of their shenanigans that she ‘awarded’ the house to the children, and ordered

Except so much of the abuse endured from a narcissist is that your voice is stomped out. You are silenced repeatedly, because their word is always the most important. It is healing and therapeutic to reclaim your voice, and at first, it can be raw and abrasive. Because of course it is— they haven't had the privilege