
Shit, my prompt for finally leaving my abusive relationship (which included strangling. Drunk fights where I'd have to lock myself in a room for safety. Punches to the face), was when I'd waited for MONTHS for the premier of the Hunger Games, pre-bought tickets to opening night for us to go, and then he went out and

It's that flash of normality, kindness and sweetness that shows what you're experiencing in a savagely clear light. Sorry you don't approve, but a lot of people in abusive manipulative relationships only find the thread of a way out when they encounter this. She had to leave. Period. If liking/making out with someone

Sometimes it takes the glimpse of how ridiculously happy you can be to walk away from how miserable you are.

I remember taking a training course to assist people with filling out orders of protection, and something the instructor said always stuck with me. She said "abuse is not about the abuser not being able to control himself/herself. If that were the case, the abuse would happen anywhere, any way. If the person can wait

Good for you, you escaped.
I am a survivor of domestic violence, and what you said nailed it exactly:

I am so happy that you got out of this relationship. Thank you for sharing your story, I wish you nothing but happiness in your future.

Dakota Johnson

Precisely. Women's rights in the workplace, or objectification/infantilism in the western media is not as important as girls in Pakistan being shot in the head for going to school, or women being banned from driving in Saudi Arabia. But they are on the same spectrum; we in the west are on the thin end of the wedge

As if you weren't excited enough for Amy Poehler's upcoming book Yes Please, the writer/actress/producer/director has increased the hype by choosing the best author photo of all time.

Someone sitting on a slightly off key dove.

I'm not a (bio) mother, so I have absolutely no idea how annoying pregnancy and birth can be. This doesn't strike me as joylessness or pointless sarcasm; I read it as realism, without the side of puppies and rainbows we usually get. And I had no idea getting knocked up resulted in extra or monumental farts, so I

I do this far more than is healthy. "Oh, you just got back from Yellowstone? Cool. My genitals are currently expelling blood and flesh with the regularity and quantity of Old Faithful. We have so much in common!"

This is actually one of my favorite ways to repel aggressive douchenozzles in bars and whatnot. After a few nice, "No, thank you. I'm very flattered, but no." I just start in on "Well, I'm on my period and I swear to God the clots I am passing are chipmunk sized. Adult chipmunks. And the gushing??? It's like a crime

She can have a contract and they can still choose not to honor it. Happens all the time. One could argue that they had a verbal agreement to edit something tasteful. Clearly they didn't fulfill their obligation to do so.

I think she deserves the last word.

I heard it was her clitoris, which probably explains why it took a whole movie for Joseph Cotten to find it.

Hi five! It's awesome being us.

I LOVE my job. I work in project management and I get a kick out of working on a years-long project, seeing it to completion, and thinking, "Man, I did that". It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.