
I should be ok, it's mercifully small, yet determined.

I'm British and arguably have some chin to spare. I'm not sure if I should ask you this on the grounds that its classist, but are you (or have you ever been) terribly posh? At least it would give you grounds to blame it on a duke from the 17th century who blew all the family dosh on strumpets, crumpets and trumpets.

Not to throw a spaniard in the works, but toddlers do naturally steer towards crap (in the main) so it's really nothing to worry about. They're super active so it's really not an issue, you just have keep the good stuff on the plate and eventually they eat it. The BIL isn't scarring the kid for life.

I completely heart your comment, partly as someone who hadn't read any of HP until just before Christmas, and also as a maturing git.

YES! Even in the UK.

Gary Lightbody is the singer of Snow Patrol...Mr McDaid is not.

Yay for Mirena!
It's Bliss.

You are a Stateside version of me! I wish someone could explain to me exactly what's bloody wrong with doing the stuff you're good at and being paid for it too?! While also ensuring that we all have a home and can eat?

I get this. She's a bit privilege blind on Goop, but I suspect she's trying too hard and possibly isn't quite as bright as she thinks she is. However (big however) I do think she's well intentioned. All those circumstance coalesce to make her a teeny bit irritating...she seems way nicer in interviews than in print.

I've got a back injury but I was like that - got pregnant (active walker/yoga person) and had to pretty much curtail all activity after 18 weeks due to terrible pelvic girdle pain/SPD (my back was the least of my worries). I even went to my local hospital's pregnancy back care support group at 20 weeks and the chair

No idea!

Yes, they can but mine didn't. No idea how that didn't happen but I'm not going to complain :)

It's all to do with core muscles, I wasn't big and I'm 5'2".

Oh, I'm so with you there, but fortunately I did get the majority of the friends in the divorce settlement :) There was a lot of "Wow, that's the lass we knew and loved returned to us". That made me feel even more guilty, believe it or not...

I like Pinks attitude and lyrics more than the tunes, boils me wee (hello, I'm from NE England) that people who are married to one have to perpetuate the lie that it's all sweetness and light. Your relationship may be, mine isn't always, but it doesn't make it less awesome. Pink just sets the day-to-day

I've have LOL'd greatly at these two interpretations but could you also please tell me who the fork is the Darryl Strawberry character and does he have an action figure? (I'm British)

The copy editing (or absence thereof) also makes it well worth a read.

Doh! You got there first, but my word, that was just evil.

Jan Moir is a toxic witch. That woman pees sodium hydroxide, the woman did an epic hatchet job after Stephen Gately died. Vile. To the power of huge.

Despite the fact I end up blogging about how wanky this paper is practically all the time, I cannot stop reading it. The newspaper equivalent of crystal meth, I sure.