
Ah Tracey, I had a lovely time being a bit naughty at uni, while being good mates with some girls who weren't as "lively" as me. We aren't all social pariahs, despite what the studies say :)

Indeed "Grow that shit like a jungle". I love this tune!!

I'm British and from North East England, fucking too right!

I'm with @Velo_Vixen, I did something similar at 23 and it was a nightmare. "Love", which equally can mean "hitching your wagon to a slacker/looney/bastard" is a very poor reason to do the daft leaps of faith. GA (though she got the X-files gig, yay etc..) seems to be more concerned about the quality of the

Probably busy and by the time he thought "That could be interesting", he realised that he would have to commit about 3 weeks trying to get caught up...perhaps? Like the rest of us who didn't see it...

Your time will come again, and "Pulling" was ace (apart from the crapstastic scheduling that meant it was impossible to follow).

Rachel Weisz is cool, though I'd truly love to know wtf was going through both hers and Hugh *Swoon* Jackman when they decided to go for "The Fountain"? Never has a greater pile of pretty but pretentious twaddle been committed to celluloid. After that piece of shit, I'd be like "bring me the guns and the tightest

I prefer "Survival Parenting" - you know, "hey we got through another day alive and happy..whoo hoo!". Everything else is gravy.

She looks great just playing it neat, chic, tight and not trying for the fash stuff. *Sigh*

Formula is not brick dust in nutritionally neutral chip/fry fat. I genuinely wish the world would get their collective heads around this simple fact. I fully support and would do everything to encourage friends and family to breast feed, however those who find it a piece of p*ss appear to be about 33.3% yay! to

I'm 40, had big boobs and still have big, reasonably perky boobs after apparently I'm rocking horse poop/chicken's teeth - GTF. Bah. *redacted due to trying not to swear in earshot of my child (even though he's asleep)*

Not forgetting Dom Perignon and Chartreuse. Jolly, those guys must spend a lot of time utterly slaughtered.

Princess Daisy was the one that did for me. Might be a late night ibook/kindle app jobby though, my flat groans with the number of books we can't truly fit into it. Mini D might require some of his bedroom back at some point....

No, you are awesome. Yes, the picture in my head was bitchin' :D

Yay! I couldn't agree more, augmented ethics with a side order of positive affirmation if you like.....

Oh crikey, I'm still not over them hormones....*eye leak*

In fairness, she posts a lot of this stuff herself...

Also to quote @Parsley Mostly - wouldn't a video concept involving being covered in blood and man fat/gravy/love not make you think "perhaps this needs to be dealt with sensitively...and in order to retain my artistic integrity I should try to retain some contractual control over the end result..just saying...

I love the Flaming Lips and have a lot of respect for Erykah..however I've also had a few concerns/reservations about how women are dealt with by the Flaming Lips at times, even though I don't think any disrespect is really intended. In fairness, they appear to be one of those hippy-esque gangs, if someone actually

I read "Addicted to Plumping" as "Addicted to Plumbing". It's all about the U-bend baby!