
As someone who had a baby not too far off that size (albeit with the assistance of surgery), and who is roughly the same height, give the lass a break!! I hope she didn't have any health issues and that she just got to enjoy her's a major perk of pregnancy IMO. :)

There's a lot of Methodist chapels around this neck of the woods (Newcastle, Sunderland, Northumberland - Used to be a big mining area) that had wooden coat racks made with dowelling (?) sticky out bits to hang your coat and hats on. Hence the chapel hat peg. Comically my husband always manages to refer to them as

You could only do red wine. Warm white is gross...and chilling it would be a bit too chapel hat peg-gy...(I'm British and northern - if a translation is required)

bah dum pum tish!!!

I thought I looked quite lovely in my strapless dress....

As long as everyone is happy, healthy and here, that's the main thing. Glad it worked out for you.

And I thought I had it hard having to stay parked on my arse for the thick end of 3 months with SPD. I salute you :)

Darn, you beat me to it!!

Ah proper gripe water, top stuff and utterly impossible to locate in the UK anymore. Just for me, Junior D can have Dentinox....

The thing that prevented "consumption by goo" was the mammy spit wash...or at least it was in the 70"s.

@Tofusaurus @samarkand

Some people do and some don't, I was Ms No-Bump until 18 weeks and I'm rather small and stocky, whereas another friend had a proper bump-ette by that stage, definitely something you'd notice if you were poncing about in crystal encrusted scanties. Likewise with the boobs...

VS models are also 100 foot tall uber-women with abs of tungsten so they probs aren't going to show much of a bump at 8-ish weeks....

I know I might be hallucinating here, but if you look at the bottom centre of the picture, is that a meerkat watching them get it on??

Re: Angelina Jolie's lips.

@thatsnotfab: when someone develops a sauce that masks the flavour of epic knobhead.

PS. Johann Hari is a righteous dude!

He is a vile creature and as soon as people are alerted to the epic douchy-ness, the sooner we can all ignore him.