Mrs David Tennant

Hot take: Tom Hiddleston is generally delightful.

Just when I think they can’t go lower

I read an article a few years back about a woman who chose to donate the body of her preemie baby to scientific research. It was interesting because she literally got to trace the various labs and hospitals that her son’s tissues went to and even was allowed to go into a few of them and interview researchers who

This entire article is horrifying (I can’t even imagine having to deal with forced “burial” of a miscarriage while in the hospital undergoing a medical procedure to deal with said miscarriage) but this:

She sounds about as exciting as her character in Four Weddings and a Funeral.

This, in my professional opinion, is one of the indicators that it’s best to dump someone so hard their parents divorce retroactively.

They had a hard time getting a dummy to crash test these cars.

Great moment in me history: I too saw Jurassic Park opening night, in a palace of a standalone theater with many hundreds of others. Our heroes arrive at the T-Rex paddock as the setting turns dark and rainy; no T-Rex. Audience is rapt. Control room brings on the goat. I burst out with “That’s not a Tyrranosaur!”


Christ...I want to fist fight some of those lines.

That was heavy, man. That vending machine fought the inevitable until it’s last breath.

Pittsfield? I bet Pittsfield doesn’t even have crime... (double checks on internet)... holy crap Pittsfield, get your shit together!

Elilipses... the ..official... punctuation mark of dumbasses....

Dude. Ellipses are not the same as periods.

I always feel so bad when I listen to I Move On. When they’re holding the note at the end of the song Renee’s voice just kind of peters out and you can hear CZJ carry on clear as a bell.

Woah, she looks like a completely different person!

It’s because he wore a bowtie.

It’s been biting other portraits and drinking their paint for generations.

Aldebaran’s great, okay, Algol’s pretty neat, Betelgeuse’s pretty girls Will knock you off your feet. They’ll do anything you like Real fast and then real slow, But if you have to take me apart to get me there Then I don’t want to go.

ugh, I used to have nightmares about this sort of scenario when I was a youngin’ taking once-a-week ski lessons. It always freaked me out when the chairlift was temporarily brought to a stop and you were left bouncing in the wind.

Karma............I love it!