Mrs David Tennant

Life is too damned short to read books I don’t enjoy. I’m a voracious reader and have been for over 50 years. Except for things I was required to read for school or work, I don’t waste time on things that aren’t giving me some benefit. Moving on lets me read more books I will enjoy and from which I’ll gain benefit.

When I was in college, working on a big programming project, I watched S3-10 of Stargate SG-1 in 10 days.

Is it a blue Maestro with a black interior, or a white Maestro with a gold interior?

Gotta admire Peter Capaldi’s commitment to making a complete ass of himself in both Paddington movies. My girlfriend was like, “but he’s the Doctor, how can he act like that!”

I promise you, there is at least one person out there that saw your “Gal-gurt” idea and is on board.

Please stop using Roman numerals for the Super Bowl, for the love of god. Ghandi said “Be the change you wish to see in this world.” And I’m pretty sure he was specifically referring to ending the nonsensical obsessive continued use of letters instead of an actual number people know.

Generally I’m of the idea that people talking are just a thing that happens at restaurants. Even really loud people can just be snickered at and shrugged off. But, this whole thing of a thousand different TV’s, all set to a different channel, all with the volume on max that sports-type bars do (I’m lookin’ at you,

How do you mention Blackadder and fail to go with the best version?

Its not how people imagine, you know? Modern life just has its own set of demands.

My proclamation to the Governor

What’s messed up is you sailing your bullshit ship of foolishness built on the bodies of those poor girls you mention.

One of those things that reminds you that you’ve probably eaten a lot of disgusting things you don’t know about.... Like the day I caught my dog drinking out of my water glass; he was ten years old, I’d never seen him do it before, but I knew, I knew it had to have been going on the whole time.

$23.7 million??????

I never ever want to watch this but now I want to know every single thing that happens in it

I do that, too, but then some cashiers ignore that in favor of their own systems, which usually involve either 853 bags or 2 bags I can’t lift.

now i feel weird.

When I first saw the episode I thought, “You know, if they were just up front about it and didn’t go all the way and kill the users I’m sure there would have been millions of people willing to sign up for a symbiotic relationship like that. It’s win-win.”