Mrs David Tennant

I ate at Chipotle today for the first (and probably last) time. They got really carried away with the sour cream and cheese - way more than I would have put on myself. I can see how the calorie count can racket way up. 

Is the Kaka the same bird as the kakapo that Douglas Adams wrote about in Last Chance to See? If so, it’s nice to know that at least one of the animals in the book has been able to have some degree of recovery. I read somewhere that the Chinese dolphin in Last Chance to See has gone extinct, despite the efforts of the

There are plenty of warnings if people are actually paying attention and using their head for something besides a hat-rack.

That’s what I’m watching this weekend!

I’ve been reading this series since way back in 1982. She has always been one of my favorite authors. I’m very sad by this news, and as much I would have liked her to finish the series, I do like the way her daughter said “now the alphabet ends at Y”.

Wow, you’re both racist and illiterate - how (un)surprising.

Oh my god. Every time I think he’s tweeted out the dumbest thing ever, he tops it.

You don’t remember anyone protesting the last President? Really? Have you had a stroke recently?

This was one of my favorite shows - at least for the first few seasons. It went off the rails a bit towards the end, and Jamie just got mean, which I didn’t like. Hopefully they can lean more towards the feeling in the first season or two, rather than the last two. But I’ll more than likely watch it. 

The cable guide has it at two hours, which would be about right. 

I love The Good Place, but I couldn’t make it through one episode of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - the second-hand humiliation was too strong. I don’t like to see people make idiots out of themselves.

I’m the same way - I have a 3g. But damn it, I’m going to replace it by year’s end if it kills me!

That is so cute! I love the way he just saunters back to you. My kitty used to fetch - I’d throw those little rings you get around milk jugs, but she’d only bring it back a couple of times then get distracted.

For me, Raul Julia IS Gomez Addams. I actually never watched the TV show - it just never appealed to me - but I love the two movies with Julia and Huston so much. 

I miss:

I don’t know why everyone doesn’t do their ketchup like that. It’s so much easier than opening 15 packets!


According to Dave Barry’s The Book of Bad Songs, Macarthur Park is the worst song ever. I can’t disagree.

Hey, I’m neither a widow nor do I have cats!

I absolutely love Dead Again. I think I’ve seen it half a dozen times.