Mrs David Tennant

Oops, I meant to reply to the guy above you.

Do NOT creep into the intersection unless you can see that you’ll be able to make your turn before the light turns yellow. You’re the one who will slow down traffic when you’re stuck in the middle of the intersection after your light turns red.

Oh that drives me crazy. No, person behind me, I’m not going to make a right turn if I can’t see the traffic, no matter how hard you honk!

When you are in tight quarters, and the line for the left turn lane is spilling out into the regular lanes, you damned well better pull right up behind the person in front of you. I’m not waiting through another light cycle because you’re worried about someone rear-ending you. At the very least, ease forward after you

That’s my biggest pet peeve. Use both lanes up to the point of the merge, then use the zipper! It’s not hard!

Very nice article.

If you want to donate to help libraries, donate to your local library, not the ALA!

Which is great in theory, but judging from my brief tenure as a public librarian, it’s going to be another huge time-suck for the librarians to have to help people to figure out how to use these things.

Zelwegger has a very thin and reedy voice. There is no way she could actually sing Judy Garland’s songs and not sound ludicrous.

I like it a lot. I’ve haven’t read it in a while though, I’ll have to do a re-read.

What the heck does it take for my comments to stop saying Pending Approval?!

I saw that video and it looked like so much fun. And way beyond anything I could ever have done, even at my fittest.

The Jungle Book is probably my favorite Disney movie, followed closely by The Sword in the Stone. (I love the aggressive little sugar bowl.) I actually think The Jungle Book may be the first movie I saw in the theater way back in 1967. Sheesh, I’m old.

Who DOES that?! He’s a pig.

It’s tenet, not tenant. (And not tennant either!) And I thought this episode was ridiculous. The 2 guys weren’t even trying to fit in!

I really love You Took My Breath Away a lot. I’m a big fan of the Wilburys.

Wow, you hit me right in the emotions. Great story.

Why do my replies say Pending Approval? I thought I linked my old AVClub account.

I saw Tom Petty live at an outdoor concert way, way back in the 80s, before I really even knew who he was. It was a great experience, and one of the few “live” songs I really like is Breakdown. My friend will be devastated - she has been a big Tom Petty since forever basically.

The space comes after the comma, not before.