On the recommendation of another Jezzie, I read The Thirteenth Tale. It was so good, I stayed up late to finish it.
On the recommendation of another Jezzie, I read The Thirteenth Tale. It was so good, I stayed up late to finish it.
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August was fantastic. An actual new take on the idea of time travel without there actually being time travel but sort of? It’s really good.
You don’t need to check this out but this will be my proud mom moment: My daughter is borrowing my Laura Ingalls Wilder collection! I am sooooooo excited. I want to start a book club with my kid now, lol. LET’S MAKE MAPLE CANDY!
Josh Barro had strong feelings on the matter too.
Billy Bush is walking proof that no matter how stupid a Bush is, there’s always a dumber Bush in the family.
My husband didn’t really know how to ride a bike until he was well into his thirties, so one day when we went out, he fell over and gashed his leg open on the sprocket. It was late on a Saturday, so we decided to just eat dinner, watch some TV, and go to the ER in the morning when it was likely to be less jammed. We…
Okay, you guys. I told a long gross story, now I’m going to tell a short gross syory. Things you don’t want to hear a doctor say, but I did:
I was about 18 or 19 and dating my first serious girlfriend. My parents went away for some reason and I was housesitting for them. She had recently gotten really into the idea of receiving oral sex (I was her first serious boyfriend too and it took about nine months or so for me to get somewhat decent at giving it and…
I dare anyone to beat this- I had a horribly antibiotic resistant C-DIFF infection. Which I had been battling for 2 straight fucking years and could not get off the antibiotics without it showing up again.
The time I fell off a ladder and the emergency room doctor looked at my xray and said “you’ve smashed your elbow into more pieces than I’ve ever seen before”, at the time I was out of my head on morphine and thought this was really funny. Four operations later it didn’t
I was traveling in Vietnam. My eye started swelling and I had a rash on my arm and neck. Went to a doctor. He took one look at me and said “herpes.” In my eye. I have never had a cold sore. I asked where it came from. He said “Dirty towel.”
I’m sure no one will ever see this, but, should I report a doctor for sexual abuse? I believe it was the forth request, for a completely medically unnecessary breast/genital exam, when I was 17, when I refused and said, I think we’ve done this before, why are we doing this again? I know several people who have had the…
When I had my first gyno visit at the ripe old age of 20, I had not had sex yet. The doctor asked about my sexual history, so she knew this information. She whips out a speculum and starts trying to insert it. No joy. It’s excruciatingly painful, but I do my best to follow her very helpful instructions and “just…
I had been in pain for many months and had two colonoscopies and an upper GI (found out I have ulcerative colitis) and had been to the doctor the day before because I couldn’t sleep due to insane pain. Finally I went to ER and was diagnosed with a bad gallbladder and that it was really bad so I had to stay the night…
Not my story, but definitely one of my favorite stories.
post birth check-up:
When I was pregnant, due to fertility issues I had to insert a little jelly bean of specialist-doctor-prescribed, plant-based progesterone (made from some kind of tree nuts) up my coos a few times a day for the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy to “feed” the embryo. Anyway I could go into why that was (it’s medically…
gynecologist who has one hand fully inside me, pressing outward, and one hand pressing in from the outside: “ooh! tight abs!”