I am always sadly impressed at people who can screw up a food with instructions on the back of the container. I don’t understand. I’m glad your teacher let you ditch those guys.
I am always sadly impressed at people who can screw up a food with instructions on the back of the container. I don’t understand. I’m glad your teacher let you ditch those guys.
My guess at plot is that the evil genius guy is doing something where he gives people what they most desire (Chris Pine, Kristin Wiig becomes “cool”) but somehow that enables him to manipulate them or harness some kind of power. So I’m guessing she might lose him again when she defeats the bad guy. Also maybe he just…
I’m glad you blame the parents here. I hear lots of older folks saying “well if they weren’t so fucking lazy...” Nah. I mean, I learned how to cook only because I liked it. My mom wanted me to focus on school and didn’t teach me how to do chores beyond the basics. Hell, I tried to mop once and got it so wrong she just…
LMAO omg I remember The Critic and I almost referenced it because it’s always the first thing I think of when I see Lovitz.
I honestly love these stories. It is crazy the kind of wrangling that goes on between a movie being written and then it actually being produced. Sometimes, it’s not just the casting that undergoes a reworking, but the entire tone and genre of the movie are redone.
I couldn’t read this word for word, because I kept tearing up at my desk, so I skipped over those parts. I lost my mom three years ago, to COPD and congestive heart failure. I haven’t mourned her death so much as I’ve mourned the relationship I thought we might someday have. She, like your mom, was a complex person,…
I read that. It broke my brain, and now colors taste like smells.
It’s so bad, and so good. The whole time you’re just thinking, so when does the ghost fucking start? And the ghost dude is VERY hot. There are suspenders involved.
The best part is towards the end when Jon is singing and then Richie Sambora comes in with the “AAAAAAH ya ya ya ya yah yah AHHH ya!” backing vocals.
I love these reality checks whenever someone idealizes Canada as a Utopia that’s all rainbows and unicorns.
Thank you! Prime example of a popular nonsensical comment being firmly and accurately rebutted with actual firsthand experience. Shame your original comment will never be as popular as Benjamin’s, but I’m glad you still addressed the point. Is Canada “kinder” to farmers? Yeah, but at what expense?
Talk with me... I can ship you some.
The blind item is the werewolf from twilight, right?
LOL! You sound like my mother!
It’s crazy good. I made a another batch last night, even though me and the family had been eating it for a week while I was testing the recipe. I don’t think I’ll eat rotisserie chicken again without this. Last night we ate it with Swedish meatballs and it was fantastic.
“If everybody loved cranberry sauce as much as they say they do, they’d eat it more than once a year. “
How else am I supposed to rock ‘n roll all afterlife and party every day?
seriously that whole thing is fucking ridiculous and shows just how easy it is for some rich white tech bro to ruin something successful.
Well...I’m not gonna sit here and pretend like I feel great when I eat Panda Express ;)