
You don’t need the most expensive, but you don’t want to use something you wouldn’t want to drink on a regular basis either. If you are using something that is like sucking down a shot of paint thinner, you will just end up with apple flavored paint thinner.

I’ve never been more invested in the drama of a podcast I’ll never listen to. 

FINALLY, someone who understands how he had partitioned the computer! Happy to bring this out of the greys.

They also don’t list everything it Can be used for, like Easy Off can be used for removing currency from another’s person, or transporting you to another dimension

They’ve been together and married since 2001 and 2010, respectively, but he had the nerve to refer to her as a “distraction” when she finally filed for divorce after several years of (public) disrespect. His side-chicks were nasty to her without consequences. Yet he called her out of her name for a pic hugging his


I can’t wait for Beastmode to realize it wasn’t the Henny, because it was inside of him this whole time.

he does art, like every other teenager.

Korean markets sell a meal kit for budae jigae. There’s also a ramen version from Nong Shim that gives you a good 75% of the idea (including little dried pieces of spam). But any Korean cafe will have it on the menu.

The internet tells me that budae jjigae is different from kimchi stew, but I’ve made kimchi stew at home and have had budae jjigae at restaurants, and it doesn’t seem that different except for the additions (to my admittedly Western palate). Both are very good.

My mom is from Korea, so we grew up eating Spam. My wife didn’t eat it before she met me, and she loves it now, as do my dog and two cats.

We always called budae jjigae ‘Hot Dog Soup’, which I didn’t realize until I was much older sounds ridiculously gross to anyone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about. It is one of

Here is a really simple version of the recipe

If you are ever in Vegas, Best Friend in Park MGM has a great army stew.

I do, too. At least based on that Bourdain clip, it looks pretty easy to make at home.

Still man, he had to watch his girlfriend die while in cuffs and spent the last two months grieving and looking at a long ass time in prison. Just dropping he charges should not be enough.

Is this Israel life? Is this just prawntasy?
Caught up and pan-fried, or a baked specialty
Served up with fries, look up through the tides and see
I’m the last poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I’m easy come, easy go, little Y chromosome
Any way the water flows doesn’t really matter to breed, to breed

There Will Be Spud

I can’t stop laughing at your random thoughts of concern over this. I forgot he dated/was married to the Kwanzaa cake lady

Look, for the last time, those aren’t nipple piercings or rings or tape or whatever. They’re tiny Eraserhead fetuses suckling at his teats, hanging on for dear life while having a nightmare narrated by Werner Herzog.