
What if I’m a part of Team Funyun, though?

I am sending this link to my son, with a membership to his local gym attached.

*Later that night, a mysterious man awaits in Jermaine’s home*

It think it’s extra stupid because even people who don’t really know who she was and just think she’s a pretty Mexican lady who made cool pictures like her specifically because she’s so pretty and stylish without looking like a Bratz doll.

Simon Sebag Montefiore’s “The Romanovs” is great. He’s actually in this as a commentator. “George, Nicholas, and Wilhelm: Three Cousins and the Road to World War One” isn’t only about the Romanovs obviously but it gives a great snapshot of Nicholas and Alexandra’s complete ineptitude and how they became who they were.

Check out Robert K. Massie’s Nicholas and Alexandra and The Romanovs: The Final Chapter. Both are very well-written, well-researched but a good read, which you don’t encounter often in historical text, especially anything dealing with Russian history. From a film standpoint, there’s not much but what there is isn’t

I could come up with a few for you (it’s many years for me since I spent time reading history on this subject; I studied it for about a year in University - in the late ‘70s) Please find & remind me over the weekend. Meanwhile, for a kickstart, there is a recent. documentary called Apocalypse: World War I. The whole

I am... so sorry for your loss. fuckin’ periods, man.

“The History Channel crossed with Cinemax” nails the bizarre tonal mismatch I felt trying to watch this series. I like history. I don’t mind costume dramas. I don’t even mind bodice rippers. But I wasn’t expecting Alexandra Romanov (by most accounts an extremely conservative Lutheran in her upbringing) to go

I mean I LOVE bread, but Jadakiss’ pizzaless crust is just too much. 

God dammit - CUT! <gets out spray bottle and starts hosing down the cast>

Next season on “How Did This Get Made?”

I assume he had some hand in casting a cis dude in The Danish Girl

This would have been 1000% better if they had just used real cats.

I can’t even eat the regular pretzel dogs anymore. She hasn’t worked there in over ten years, but I have experienced pretzel dog perfection and I won’t accept a lesser dog!

I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t here for aJolene’s Hot Girl Summer" remix. Make it happen!

Poor LiAngelo. No, really, LiAngelo gonna be poor. lol

Many trans-masculine folk (like me) need these services and don’t want to be misgendered and disrespected or treated like lab rats.

She-riff Joe, appearing as drag persona: