

THANK YOU! She cannot twerk. What she is doing is about to slip a disk and handicap herself. She needs to stop before she ends up needing a wheelchair!

The relatives don't seem to like him. Probably because he's eating their bedding.

Please do not respond to the troll who has been copy pasting his crap onto multiple threads so he can jerk off to the angry women.

And here I thought Gosselin was good for nothing.

I can recommend this BlueJ Opjects First With Java it is used a lot over here in the UK to teach complete novices the basics of programming and Java at University. It is actually a combo of book and application/IDE (although very basic) that works quite nicely in visually explaining the concepts of object oriented

It's a beard that trails down the neck, usually connecting to the chest hair. It looks like a happy trail for your face, but is actually a sign of one's body hair attempting to become a symbyote. (Or the person is too lazy to shave the appropriate parts of their neck.)

I didn't say it was boring.

The stories I could tell about people touching my sons' hair... they don't touch my daughter's hair because her's is more Caucasian. However, she is very fair, so that's commented upon. I'm told I'm lucky she has kink-free hair. I'm a natural gal, so imagine how that makes me feel. She looks nothing like me as it is.

This has happened to me. I was about 19, and waiting to go inside the United Center to watch the Bulls. At the time, I had braids— think Janet Jackson from Poetic Justice. This white woman grabbed a hand full of my hair and screamed "I love these!" to her friend. Not to me, to her friend. I didn't say anything because

I rarely comment since the transition, but you calling troll on black people that have had strangers touching their hair was enough to call me out of my electronic cave.

See, no. You already stated that you didn't understand the history, so that tells me all that I need to know tbh. If a person doesn't want you touching them, it's simple: don't. Regardless of how you feel about it. It's not really up to you. And Black hair and the word "nappy" has a very long, depressing, and

yep, everyone else talking about their experiences is just making it up, because YOU have never witnessed it. seems legit.

of course the person who unironically attempts to point out it happening to them is a red-head.

Well, we all have different reactions. If someone wants to violate my space, they can do so, not without consequences. I have a temper and if they like to gamble with their personal safety, that's them.

And therein lies the point, tbh. I've had people try and touch my hair and then get upset that I won't let them. It's a mess. I don't like people. Just, in general.

Well played, madam! (If it was anybody BUT you, I would barrage them with gifs set to destroy them. But we're *here*. I get you)

OMG, as a white girl I SO GET THAT. Ugh! I mean, listen black girls, listen to what this experience is really about—it's about EVERYONE'S hair, but maybe especially mine. I mean, isn't saying it's JUST a black people issue EVEN MORE racist?

To the people who don't like seeing an interracial character while you are trying to watch "Duck Dynasty," I say: