
No and I never implied that. But you should equally listen to men who have their own unique experiences. Yours aren’t inately more imporant or legitimate.

Sexism is

“When we joke about a bad president or an overpowered CEO, we’re holding them accountable.”

“If women always have to be worried about offending male allies”

“if you want to learn about sexism, you don’t ask a man”

who you completely neglect to mention”. So have you. So what? You haven’t mentioned minorities. Should I hold that above your head? That’s neither here nor there and a low blow and you know it.

Well that’s really simple. Citizens United is a court ruling from 2010 that rules that money is a form of free speech in matters of campain finance. It doesn’t matter that the policians have a penis or vagina. What happens is interest groups and SuperPACs buy our politicians. They don’t represent us. I’m under no

What hate? Image macros and memes are easy to post. Their like assholes, everyone has one. But I’m not being hateful. You can dismiss legit concerns by calling them all hateful, or bigoted, or racist, or sexist, or (insert any ad hom), but that doesn’t make it true.

I am listening. I’m in agreement that women have been historically oppressed and that there are aspects of society that disadvantage women. Who is the one is really isn’t listening and has a foregone conclusion.

That is oppression. Oppression isn’t about who is oppressed more. Oppression is oppression and telling men to shut up is oppressive.

That’s who the joke is targeting, not the majority of men. If you don’t get that, it’s not my responsibility to explain humor to you.

“The assumtions that I am a terrible sexist”

This. It’s so fucking disheartening. There are plenty of guys who want a n egalitarian world. But this us vs them bs where we get lumped into a giant group of rapists, murderers, and mysoginists doesn’t forward the cause. I am fully convinced this cause will stagnate until the next logic step is taken. And that

See. No response. Just sarcasm. Regurgitated gifs made by someone else. This is the response of 4th grader.

Which assumptions? Like the assumption that women are the only ones held to sexism in regards to dress? Try being a man wearing a skirt to work and see how that works for you. Try simply letting your natural facial hair grow out.

To reiterate, “men need to shut up about;.....” that’s oppression. She may be joking but you need to hold this culture accountable because there are plenty of replies here that aren’t it’s sickening.

Your entire post is devoid of sources. No one is asking for sources here except you.

Why should I have to be a woman? Sounds sexist. I’m on the side that cares about both genders. The side that has mother...and fathers. sisters...and brothers. daughters...and sons.

What are you talking about? You think I like wearing a button up shirt, slacks, and a tie? You think I appreciate that other people tell me what kind of facial hair is professional? Of what kind of hair I’m allowed to wear?

I’d say the way the posters here are taking a serious issue of free speech and equality and cavalierly “joking” about it is a micro aggression. Again, men aren’t allowed to express their emotions and being told to man up. Most feminist worth a damn recognize this aspect of our society as one of the key components to