
Well if you knew anything about logic, you’d know that your conclusion doens’t follow your premise. (modus ponens).

Thank you ever so much for your well thought out, serious response.

here you go.

That’s the thing. Both sexes have different advantages. I could go to length listing all the advantages being a woman holds over being a man but at the end of the day most won’t listen because they have a forgone conclusion that they’ve built their world view on.

You should take an interest in your kids interests no matter if they are male or female. And they are kids so obviously they are going to be into shit you wouldn’t normally care for.

That’s a really good point actually. You’ll likely see no replies.

Which is exactly why it is perfectly reasonable that both genders can sound off on these issues. I assume you are female and I would afford you every right to call out these and other double standards. I could only hope you have the wisdom to grant males the right to speak their opinions, even if you disagree.

It is not your body no matter how many times you repeat it. It is the baby’s body. You have my ok to kill your baby before the 1st trimester but don’t pretend like you’re not just using a convenient excuse to pretend the baby is your body. If your argument is that it can’t live outside your body, then a newborn as is

Whom? I never have. Perhaps you’re stereotyping an entire gender and being sexist. Also anecdotes are just that. For fairness sake, try being male and growing a beard at work.

Grown women, you are way too obsessed with sex, fashion, celebrities, gossip, and selfies

It is not a part of your body no matter how many times you repeat it or silence dissent. It is really convenient for you to say it is when you don’t want it but that doesn’t make it true. There are various ways in which it can survive outside your body and considering that it won’t survive once it is born if not given

That’s a strawman. You’re better than this. He said nothing to that effect.

So would I. I would be happy if all sex commercials can go away and find a new home on premium channels. I’m sick of all sex adverts being shoved in my face 24/7. Yes I get it. I’m a mammal. I am instinctually driven to reproduce, now stop trying to manipulate my basic urges.

Males pay for the tax too. Did you forget? Also considering the vast majority of victims are male, how about we play the same stupid game and call it a males’ issue which you should just shut up about?

Well to be fair, that baby growing inside is not her body.

Things have changed and the only one stopping women from making their voices known now are women. Please elaborate in what circumstance are women silenced? At some point we’re gonna have to move past that stigma because likewise at some point we’re going to move past women being silenced. That is progress. At some

You’re right, my little man brain just can not wrap itself around womens’ issues.

This. If male politicians didn’t represent women, women would literally not have the right to vote right now. I like how the “feminists” of Jez glance over this. Many men have walked hand in hand with the feminist movement every step of the way. I’m not so sure any of these “feminists” would do the same if the roles

At least Jezebel isn’t even trying to pretend it isn’t sexist anymore.

“hair on your neck is unhygienic”